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Before I can begin to reminisce about the sight of Henry kneeling before me, John makes his way downstairs. As we walk together to the garage, John’s phone rings and he ignores the call, only for it to begin ringing again.

“Feel free to take that,” I say.

“No, it’s not important.” He sets the ringer to silent and returns it to his pocket. “You and I have far more important matters to discuss.”

“John, get it over with now because I do not plan to spend the entirety of our drive discussing this.”

“You don’t even know these people, let alone that man.” I ignore his statement and check my phone to see if the driver is close. “Tell me what I need to do, Lucy.” He pulls the phone from my hand and stands in front of me. “You know how much I love you.”

“John, it’s over, it’s been over for years, and now I’m with Henry.” He remains unconvinced. “But you should know, I could be single for the rest of my life, and I would feel the same. It’s over.”

He turns away from me with a huff just as our driver pulls up. I couldn’t be more relieved to see him. Finally, the beginning of the end.



Somewhere between sleep and consciousness,

memories of the night before fill my mind. Lucy stalked toward me before climbing on top of me, kissing me to the point of madness. When I could no longer restrain myself, I gave into my lust, devouring her on my bed.

Everything in my body told me to keep going, to finally make her mine, but thankfully, I stopped it when I had. She needs to know how I feel before I claim her completely.

The way she moved beneath my touch confirms that she feels the pull between us just as strongly as I do, but I need to know if it’s more than the physical attraction.

Sharing her pleasure was enough for last night, but today is a different story. Not another moment will be wasted on uncertainty between us.

There will be time for flowers and romantic dinners later, now I need to express my admiration. I’ll wake her with soft whispers, declaring my affection for her.

Rolling over, I slightly open my eyes to find her as my arm falls across an empty bed.

“Lucy?” I call toward the bathroom.

No answer.

Her e-reader sits in its place on her nightstand. She never goes anywhere without it. Even when we were in London, she always had it on her. London. She’s taking John back today. She must be downstairs, waiting for the driver. I grab my phone to check the time and find a text from her.


Didn’t want to wake you, leaving for London now. Thanks for the coffee! I’ll text you with updates as I have them. Talk soon!

Loneliness overcomes me as I dress for the day. She left her e-reader here, a clear sign she plans to return soon, hopefully tonight.

Moving through the house, it feels empty.

I stop to peek in the spare bedroom that John occupied, it’s as if he were never here. It looks just as I set it for Lucy before they arrived, except for the books she brought with her into my room. I smile at the memory of her pulling them off the shelf and clutching them in her arms as she walked across the hall.

Even with everything that we shared between us last night, I can’t overcome this feeling of jealousy as she spends the day with another man, one she has a complicated history with. My instinct was to insist I go with her, butafter all he’s put her through, I know how important it is for her to end this on her own. It’s not her that concerns me. It’s him and his persistent pursuit to win her back.

Standing at the counter, the sound of the coffee brewer starting up is the only noise in the house as my gaze sweeps over the snow-covered garden.

Thankful for the brief privacy, I begin what I expect will be a long day of repeating “everything will be fine” to myself.

Oliver and Finn, accompanied by their partners, gradually make their way to the kitchen. It was decided days ago that today will be a simple breakfast, everyone skims through the pastries and fruit before taking a seat at the table.

I draft a quick text to Lucy, trying my best not to sound too desperate.


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