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Feelings of bliss overcome me, building from a pleasure that only he can deliver. “Henry…” I call to him, plead with him, for what, I do not know. I only wish to worship this man who compares to no other. His hands tighten around my hips, pulling me closer to him as he moans against me.

The urgency of his efforts vibrates through my core, sending me over the brink as the frenzy of pleasure overcomes me. A tingly warmth continues to spread to every inch of my body as he slows the movements of his endeavors.

A smile stretches over my face as Henry comes to lay beside me on the bed, placing soft kisses on my heated skin.

When he reaches my neck, I feel like a feather, no longer weighed down but floating from the ecstasy of Henry’s attention. I no longer remember where we are, how we got here, or what I was worried about. At this moment, it is only Henry and I in the world.

I attempt to sit up but feel slightly lightheaded. Henry notices and sits up next to me, pulling me into his arms. A glorious place as he is still shirtless, but sadly, his pants are still in place. Underneath my skin, lust and exhaustion are battling it out over what our next move will be. I want, noneedHenry more than ever, but fatigue is slowly winning the battle. I do not recall ever feeling such pleasure before.

“Time for bed,” Henry says as he turns my body to place my head on my pillow.Yes, sleep. This already feels like a dream.My body is so relaxed it would take moments after closing my eyes.

No, I can’t be this girl, the one who only takes and leaves him…ignored. “But we haven’t?—”

“We are going to bed because we have had an amazing and eventful evening,” he responds as he movesaround the room, bringing a set of my pajamas over to me. “Do you need help getting these on?” His sly smile is gorgeous, proud his efforts left me in such a state,as he should be.

Finally regaining some feeling in my legs, I move them over the edge of the bed and stand to pull on my pajama shorts. As soon as the matching top is over my body, Henry directs me back into bed. “I’ll run down and get you water. I’ll be right back.”

I watch as he pulls a shirt on as he walks out of the room, admiring the view of his ass as I drift to sleep.

Waking in Henry’s arms is becoming a routine that I am getting far too comfortable with.It could all end once John is gone, and I am free to go back into the guestroom.My chest begins to hurt at the thought of losing the closeness I’d found with Henry. He’s sleeping soundly behind me with his arm tucked around my waist. I look around and notice the glass of water he must have fetched for me last night.

Last night. I feel myself smile simply at the memory. Henry wanted to say something last night, but I stopped him. Hope begins to grow that something real might truly be developing between us, but I don’t want to start it this way.

I need to get John out of this country before I even consider anything with Henry. Checking the clock, it’s just after 6:30 a.m. A shower will clear my head to get focused on the day ahead.

Slowly moving out of Henry’s arms, I place my pillow under his arm in hopes that my absence won’t wake him.

With the door closed, I shower as quickly as possible and dress quietly. Once I am finished, I make my way back into the bedroom and find Henry still asleep.

I stumble around the low-lit room, grabbing clothes from my drawers, hoping they match since I was too preoccupied to pack last night.

An odd outfit or two is more than worth the distracting activities.

With my overnight bag in hand, I take one final look at Henry peacefully sleeping. No need to wake him. I need to do this on my own—for both past and future Lucy, it’s time to cut John out of my life once and for all. I kiss Henry on the forehead and leave the room, closing the door behind me.

Placing my bag on the floor in the hall, I knock on John’s door.

No answer.Of course.

Turning the handle, I’m relieved the door isn’t locked. John is still asleep and clearly hasn’t packed at all. This will be easier if I do it myself. I move around the room and throw his clothes into his luggage and duffle bag. Stopping in the bathroom, I grab his toiletries and put them on top of his luggage so he doesn’t forget them.

Now, to deal with him. I leave a single outfit from his luggage and put it on the end of his bed before I give him anot-very-gentlepush to wake him up. It takes three attempts, but he finally opens his eyes.

He tries to pull on one of my hands in a poor attempt to get me to sit on the bed with him. He mumbles with a groggy voice, “I knew you’d come to your senses. Are wemaking a run for it before the old man finds out you’d rather be with me?”

I would love nothing more than to give him a detailed play-by-play of last night explaining that he is no competition for Henry, but instead, I throw a pillow on his face and say, “Get up.”

He slowly sits up on his elbows, looking disorientated.

“The car is coming for us in thirty minutes. We are heading directly to London. If there aren’t any flights out today, I will set you up in a hotel.” He looks at me with a smirk, and I remind him again.

“This is my life, and you are no longer a part of it. Get ready, now.”

I exit the room before he can say anything else that will piss me off. It is his fault I am leaving this beautiful home and Henry.It’s also his fault that you shared a room with Henry in the first place.As well as that has worked out, it’s time for him to go.

In the kitchen, I find a note on the refrigeratordoor.

Smiling, I open the door to find my cold brew coffee on the top shelf with a bottle of water next to it. Henry must have prepared these when he came down last night after our…physical pursuits.

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