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She has never voiced a desire for a real relationship. In fact, she’s stayed firm in the idea of only allowing herself to care for fictional men.

As much as I hate to admit defeat, I suppose it’s time to consult the only hopeless romantic I know, Max. For someone who lives for the love stories we create on the screen, he’s never been able to give himself a second chance at love.

I grab my phone and call him. After a few rings and a quick hello, Max asks, “Henry, how are preparations for the holiday going? Do you need another recipe?”

“Things are going well. How are you? Are the girls in town yet?”

“Yes, they arrived yesterday, and it’s so nice to have them home again.”

“I know what you mean. I was just thinking about how much the holidays remind me of when they were all little. It’s nice to have them under my roof again. Especially being removed from the hassle of the city.”

“Well put, Henry. What can I do for you?”

I pause, trying to find the words to express this…confusion that has now taken residence in my head. “I may need another recipe, or a grand gesture idea, or advice.”

“Well, it’s about time, my friend.”

“No need to gloat,” I tell him—maybe this is a bad idea.

“Not gloating, simply happy for you. Is Lucy coming to stay with you over the holidays?”

“Yes, but only for New Year’s. She is spending Christmas back home with her family.”

“Where is Lucy at in all of this? Does she know about your feelings?” he asks.

“I don’t even know what my feelings are. I just know for the first time since my marriage, I’m considering getting into another relationship, and it terrifies me. What if I don’t remember how to be a good partner? This leads my mind down the road of if I was a better partner, I would probably still be married. If I were to get into a relationship again, would it end the same way?”

“You’re overthinking this, friend,” Max says. “And because you are giving it so much thought—tells me you care about her.”

“Of course, I care. She’s become the person I want to speak with as soon as I wake up and before I go to bed. Every time my phone rings, I hope it’s her calling.”


“I don’t know if she wants this to be more than the friendship it’s developed into. When we met she had cited a breakup as one of the reasons for moving to another country and declared she had no intention of getting into another relationship. What if I do something foolish, and things grow distant between us, and it turns out badly?” I ask, and don’t let him answer before confessing, “She deserves the best.”

“Then give her your best.”

His words hit me like a tidal wave. “That simple, huh?”

“Yes, when you love someone, which I think you may be on your way to, if you’re not already, it is that simple. You are a different man than you were twenty-five years ago, for many reasons, but most importantly, you are a different man since meeting her.”

My life has changed since meeting her in that coffee shop. Not only is my career resumingthanks to her,but I’m happier now than I was before. For years, I was content, but now it’s as if the sun has come back out, and each day is enjoyable because I can share it with her.

Max continues, “If this is a chance at love, don’t you dare let it pass you by.” I owe it to myself to try. Max’s belief in the idea of love has never weakened, it’s such a shame he just doesn’t expect it for himself.

“And if she isn’t interested in a relationship with me?” I ask now, fearful of those words becoming truth.

“Then you love her in whatever role she needs you in her life. Don’t let that love die. It can always grow into something more.”

I like this idea of being whatever it is Lucy needs me to be and fill any roles she needs me to fill in her life. It’s a soothing way to look at this entire situation, taking the pressure off of me. I just need to be here for her.

And perhaps it will turn into something more.

“Thank you, Max.”

“I’m always only a call away, Henry.”

We both hang up and after a few minutes of absorbing his words, they have calmed my worries about Lucy’s visit.

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