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Friday begins with a call from Oliver. “Morning, Pop.”

“Oliver, everything set for tomorrow?” I ask.

“That’s why I’m calling. There’s been a change to the plan.” I didn’t check the weather—could he be stuck in London, or did he change his mind about coming out? He continues, “Hannah spoke with Lucy last night.”

My heart stops. “Is she all right?” I ask, hearing the panic in my voice. I spoke to her yesterday, but she didn’t mention anything.

“Nothing to fear, Pop, she’s doing well. There is a bad snow storm hitting New York, and she’s decided not to travel. She’s staying in London for Christmas.”

She’s able to come tomorrow.

I smile as I ask, “She’s coming with you tomorrow then?”

“Well, I tried to insist, but she is proving a little difficult to convince, worried she would be intruding on our family holiday.”

“She’d rather be alone in her apartment?”

“I don’t think that’s it. I just think she’s trying to be polite.”

“I’ll take care of this,” I insist. “She’ll travel with you then?”

“Yeah, we were planning to bring two cars anyway with all the luggage and gifts. We have plenty of room,” he assures me.

“All right, I’ll speak with her and you can let her know what time you’ll be picking her up, yes?”

“Yea. Pop?” he asks. “What’s going on with you two?Anything we should know about?” I can’t give him the truth. I don’t want any external pressures or assumptions surrounding us over the next few days. Once everyone else leaves, I’ll try to get an idea of where she stands with the idea of us.

“She’s one of your friends and has been particularly helpful to me with this movie deal business. Also, I’m not a complete grinch. I wouldn’t wish anyone to spend Christmas alone.”

“And that’s it?” he asks again.

At least in this, I can answer honestly. “That’s it.”

For now.

After hanging up with Oliver, I ring Lucy. A photo of us taken by the paparazzi outside that bar pops up on the screen. It’s my favorite of the shots, with us both looking into each other’s eyes.

“Hello,” she answers.

“Hello, Lucy. I just heard from Oliver.”

“Oh?” She pauses. “How is he?” She’s playing coy.

“Wonderful, he’s very pleased that you’ll be joining us at my home for the holidays even earlier than planned. As am I.”

She lets out an exasperated breath. “Henry, I don’t want you to think I invited myself. I decided to cancel my trip but didn’t want to crash Christmas with your family. I will be perfectly fine staying in London.”

“You’re coming,” I say, no opening for her to argue. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I hear her begin to argue, “But Henry, that’s not necessar—” as I hang up on her.

Oliver and Finn each picked a permanent bedroom when I purchased this property. When Hannah joined, she practically took over Oliver’s room. She’s made herself so much at home. He’s lucky she still lets him sleep there. As for Mia, she was thrilled when she saw the view from Finn’s bedroom window. She always says she stays up too late when she’s looking out at the small town lit up at night.

Everything is prepared for them. Oliver’s favorite toothpaste is waiting in their bathroom, Finn’s crackers are in his nightstand drawer, Mia’s nightstand drawer is filled with gummy bears, and lastly, I left Hannah a bag of her favorite chocolates by her night lamp.

Lucy will stay in the remaining guest room that is unfortunately located the furthest from my bedroom. I couldn’t very well give her a room the others are accustomed to utilizing, but it does bother me a little.I like to have her near me.Perhaps this distance will be good for us while she’s staying.

I’ve already straightened up her room like I did for the others, but I look around to see where I can add more personal touches for her without it being too obvious. There’s a bookshelf in here, and I’ve already moved my Jane Austen books onto it from my office. I also added other books I’ve read recently that I think she may enjoy.

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