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Mia shouts, “Are you back together?”

“No, I don’t think that’s an option for us anymore.” I refuse to share the full story with them. I know they would be understanding, but I enjoy not being the girl who was cheated on during her first and only relationship. Or the girl who still allows that ex-boyfriend to hang around in her social circle.

Hannah places her hand over mine at the table. No matter how I try to spin this story, I’ll still receive their pity, but I’d rather let them think it’s just over a standard break-up than share the less-than-desirable details.

“Did he go crazy when he saw you?” Mia asks. Hannah squeezes my hand tighter.

“It’s all right,” I tell Hannah and then turn to Mia. “I’m not sure. We spoke a few times, but I kept it brief.” I take a sip of wine and speak without thinking, “He did act jealous over the photos of Henry and I… His mom showed them to him.” I laugh to myself, but the girls take it differently.

“Who would have thought those photos would benefit you too,” Hannah says.

“Quite frankly, I’m getting a little curious about what’sgoing on between you and Henry myself. I follow his accounts. Did you two really get matching slippers?” Mia asks.

We haven’t gone into much detail with everyone, just that Henry started the account to get the director role. I try to shrug it off. “No, the studio keeps pushing for more ‘romantic’ posts, so I thought of that idea the other day and ordered them myself.”

Mia gave me an unsure look, “And you’re coming to stay with us at Henry’s home over the holidays, correct?”

“Yes, I plan to visit my mom for Christmas, but return soon after and meet everyone there.”

Hannah, cheery with the change of subject, replies, “That’s so exciting.”

“Yes, New Year’s Eve has always been my favorite holiday. I’m looking forward to spending it with you all.”

“Wonder who you’ll kiss at midnight.” Mia raises her eyebrows up and down at me.

“Mia…” Hannah scolds her again.

“What?” Mia plays innocent. “It would make for a very romantic post.”



The embersof the fire flicker while I look at my home in a new light, wondering what it will be like to have Lucy in my personal space. I’ve been to her apartment twice now, but I have a sense it will feel different when I have her here.

“Henry?” a voice breaks me out of my daydreams. “What are your thoughts on the sketches from the designer?”

Working remotely seemed like the best option for me to get back home as soon as possible, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on the meetings as I prepare for my family’s arrival.

“Yes, I looked them over briefly, but will review them in more detail this evening.” I don’t understand why Viewmont is so insistent about holding meetings this week—more than half the people on the call are already at their holiday destinations. Thankfully, we only have two more days of this then break until after the New Year.

“All right, is there anything else we need to address?”Tom, the rep for Viewmont, asks, and thankfully, everyone shakes their heads. Certainly, I’m not the only one who is eager to get off this call. “All right, enjoy the rest of your day. We will reconvene tomorrow morning.”

I shut the laptop and leave it on the end table. I always look forward to this time of year. I enjoy my privacy and peace but it’s nice to have guests once in a while. It reminds me of when the boys were little. Now one of them is proposing, and it’s such an honor he decided to do it here.

I look over the schedule Oliver sent again. They are planning to arrive Saturday, stay until the twenty-fifth, and then go their separate ways to visit Mia and Hannah’s families, then reconvene while they visit with the boys’ mother and come back here on the thirtieth to set final preparations for the proposal on the thirty-first. While they are away, I’ll pick up Lucy from the airport on the twenty-sixth.

Anticipation and excitement fill my body at the thought of having a few days with her alone. I planned to spend more time thinking about the possibility of a relationship, but work has consumed most waking hours since I last saw her. I need to think this through before she arrives.

Is a relationship something I want again?

I was sure it was something I never wanted to experience again, but now. These feelings are challenging that stance, but can I be a good partner to her?

That’s if she’s even interested in a relationship herself.

Thursday afternoon finally arrives, and I close the laptop, place it in its carrier bag, and leave it in my study with no intention of opening it again until January third.

While preparing the house for my guests, I’ve let my mind wander to thoughts of what a relationship with Lucy could be like.

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