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I’m standing at the top of the driveway when his car pulls in. As soon as he steps out, sensing the anxiety radiating off Oliver makes me even more concerned than I already was. I take a deep breath and open the back door for us. The sound of our chairs dragging against the floor is the only noise in the house as we take our seats at the kitchen table. I can’t bear the silence any longer. “Oliver, whatever it is, we will get through it. Just please tell me.”

He raises his gaze from his clasped hands on the table to meet my eyes. “Dad,” he takes a deep breath, “I’m going to ask Hannah to marry me.” Apprehension remains on his face.

“That’s wonderful news, Oliver!” Rising from the table, I go to him as he stands, and I embrace him. “I’m so pleased for you!” Pulling out of the hug and holding him by the shoulders at arm’s length. I ask, “Why did you look so solemn when you told me? Are you worried she won’t say yes?”

“Not at all, Pop.” A smile now stretched across his face. “I was worried about how you would react. You’ve voiced your negative thoughts and feelings on relationships openly for years. I was worried you would think I was making a mistake.”

My heart sinks—I didn’t realize the effect my words have on my children. “I’m so sorry I gave you that impression, Oliver. I couldn’t be happier for you and Hannah. She’s an amazing person, and it’s clear whenever I am with you that you both care for each other very much.”

He pulls me in for another hug and asks, “With your support, I’d like to propose here if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Yes, of course,” I insist. “When are you planning for?”

“During the holidays, I’d like everyone to be here when I ask her. You and Finn can help with the setup, and that morning, Lucy and Mia can get her out of the house. I’d like to decorate the place with flowers, maybe cater the food, and certainly order from the bakery—she loves sweets.” Oliver has thought this through, and the excitement in his voice is clear.

“This place is your home and I’d be happy for you to ask her here. Just let me know how I can help, Olly.”

“Thanks, Pop.”

The rest of the day, we spend making lists of supplies, what can be shipped prior, and what we will need to pick up closer to the day of the proposal. We also call around bakeries, florists, and caterers.

Over dinner, I share with Oliver the plan Lucy and I have decided to move forward with on social media.

“So you’ll post photos that make you look like a couple and take her on dates, but you won’t be dating?” he asks, seeming a bit skeptical.

“No, there’s no reason to be in a real relationship. My agent believes that if we lean into the idea of me being a romantic man caught up in a very public relationship, it may sway the production company to give me the director position,” I explain.

“And Lucy has agreed to all of this?” he asks.

“Yes, she agreed. Most of the content was her idea,” I confirm.

“Well, all right. I’ll let the others in on this and swearthem to secrecy.” He still doesn’t look convinced but doesn’t bring it up again.

I wave to Oliver as he backs out of the driveway and begins his journey back to London. I wish he would have waited until tomorrow, it worries me, him driving after dark.

I have much to plan, but first, I need to be sure one guest in particular can confirm. Finn and Oliver always bring Mia and Hannah up to visit, arriving a couple of days before Christmas and staying through the first few days of the New Year, leaving in the middle to visit their other family members.


Do you have plans for the Christmas and New Year holidays?


I’ll be in the States for Christmas and then most likely back in London before the New Year.


Oliver and Finn usually bring Hannah and Mia to stay at my place for the holiday. We would love for you to join us when you get back and stay through the New Year.

While it would be nice to spend Christmas with her, the thought of ringing in the New Year together gives me a thrill. It’s been years since I’ve had someone to kiss atmidnight. Not that we would kiss at midnight. That’s not included in our fake relationship. But if the mood strikes, I would never deny her.


Thank you. Yes, I think I’d enjoy that. Great opportunity to take some photos for your account. Unveiling your new partner for the New Year could gain a lot of attention for your accounts.

She makes a good point—it hadn’t crossed my mind to use her visit for our ruse. Regardless, it will be nice to have her here.

With that reminder, I close our text and send a quick email to Mark. Asking if he has heard anything from Viewmont then return to my text with Lucy.

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