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“There is one other person I would like to tell, my best friend, Ellie. She won’t tell anyone, but it would ruin our friendship if I keep this from her.” The worry is gone fromher voice. This is more demand than request. It’s very appealing.

“Understood,” I reassure her.

“Thank you. Do you have any other concerns or boundaries you want to discuss?”

“Given our lack of interest in real relationships, I think we can skip the typical ‘let’s not fall in love speech,’ don’t you think?” I insist. Which is why she is the perfect woman to share this venture with.

“Yes, of course. Honestly, if you do get the job. I have grand plans to reacquaint myself with someone I’ve had feelings toward for years…”What?“Mr. Darcy.” Of course, she is looking forward to expanding her feelings for a fictional man. Maybe acting as a fictional boyfriend, I will give Fitzwilliam some competition.

“You can’t see me, but my eyes are rolling,” I tell her with a laugh. “And try to remember that whatever it is Mr. Darcy is doing that makes you feel something for him, it’s me behind him pulling the strings.”

“Oh, don’t do that! Don’t ruin it,” she whines into the phone. “Anyway! Since we won’t be in the same location for some time, we can still begin posting tonight if you’d like.”


“Do you have a fireplace?” she asks.

“Three.” I’m looking at one right now.

“Gross. Bragging isn’t necessary.”

“My bragging is now your bragging,darling. You can go back to the States and brag about the new man in your life who has a home in the UK with three fireplaces. Two downstairs and one in my bedroom.”

“Well, with this being your first post about ourrelationship, dear, we should try to keep it clean. Pick one of the downstairs fireplaces, preferably a lounge. Grab wine glasses, fill them with wine, and place them on a coffee table in front of the fireplace. Then lower the lights and take the photo.”

“Sounds like you may have hidden talents as a director,” I say with pride. I wouldn’t have thought of this, but now that she said it, it makes complete sense. “And what am I to do with two glasses of wine after I finish the photo?”

“Drink them. Alone.” Both are more orders, not requests from Lucy. “Please don’t mistake this next statement for any personal investment on my end for your personal life, but if you are to be in a committed relationship, you can not be found by the paparazzi ‘cheating’ on your girlfriend.”

“No need to get jealous,my love. I am all yours for the foreseeable future.” Since running into Lucy on my shameful morning walk home, I haven’t been interested in meeting anyone new.

“Great,” she says with sarcasm. “You can post the photo this evening if you’d like, and I will send you more ideas as I think of them. I think you should continue with the family photos and the old ones for movie sets as well.”

“All right, I’ll send the fireplace photo to you before I post to be sure I captured your vision.”

“Well, I think that sums up our plan. Have a good night,” Lucy states as if she is ending a business meeting.

“One last thing, Lucy. Thank you. I greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter, and if it works, I’ll never beable to thank you enough. With that said, if at any point this becomes too much and you want to stop, just say the word.”

“Thank you, Henry.”

“Goodnight,love,”I emphasize the endearment and it clearly works because she hangs up without another word.



It’searly morning when Oliver rings, “Hey Pop, got any plans today?”

“Nothing important.”

“I’m getting in the car now and heading your way, thinking we could spend the day together.” His words sound rehearsed.

“That’s great! Can I ask if anything in particular brought about this spontaneous visit?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there. See you soon,” he says before hanging up.

What could Oliver need to talk to me in person about? Why didn’t we have this talk while I was staying with him? Checking my watch, I decide to run to the local bakery for some pastries for us to keep myself busy while I wait for his arrival.

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