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I turned and left.

“Lady Ana?” Laughing, Aeris chased me down. “Where are you going, silly? It’s this way. This is where our lord, and now you, hold court every morning. The people come to you with their issues and disputes, and you hand down your wisdom.”

“Are you kidding me?” I barked. “That is not what’s going on in that room!”

Aeris dragged me into a large, gray room much like the one we were leaving behind. Torches hung high on the walls, stretching the shadows basking in the windowless space. A long, black rug adorned with the phases of the moon led the path to a stone dais, with two thrones upon it.

Alisdair stretched out across the silver throne—his elbow propped on one arm, and his leg hanging over the other. Standing at his side was Foalan. Propped against the throne that was presumably mine was Bradach.

No trace of the beast I found in my bed remained. His claws shortened, his fangs shrunk, his horns were small ornaments poking from his raven curls, and his handsome facehandsome.

I couldn’t believe it, but focusing on him, and his smirk, was helpful in that moment. He gave me something to look atother than the massive, temperature-heating, lust-soaked orgy happening all over the floor, carpet, walls, and for a couple bird faeriken, in the air.

Three faeriken with leopard faces and spots contorted themselves over a lounge—one man plowing into the young lady from behind while she swallowed the other’s cock to the hilt. My sweet taste-tester Talulla was also being tasted by a furry-faced faeriken with twitching whiskers. I assumed she was part cat, because she was certainly lapping her pussy up like one.

Somethingsplatteddown beside me and I picked up the pace, practically running up the steps to the only safe place not taken up by an amorous couple, or five.

“What is this?” I hissed at Alisdair. “Why are you allowing this?”

“They’re in heat,” he drawled back. “They cannot stop themselves. The drive to mate is too strong. They’re also your subjects now, little queen. You’d do well to stop judging and looking down on them.”

I lifted my chin. “I am not judging them. I envy them.” I jerked my chin at a group of six that was getting very rough, and very loud. “At least they’re having a much better timematingthan I did last night.”

“No,” he replied, light and calm. “They’re not.”

I felt my cheeks brightening. “Last night was awful for me. Worst sex I’ve ever had.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“I didn’t complete once. I faked it each time.”

“Seven times,” he corrected, “and no, you didn’t.”

Irritation bloomed in my chest. His calm dismissal of me was a hundred times worse than bluster or arguments. He saw right through me, and to the mess he made of me, and it made me hate him all the more.

I sniffed. “I don’t know why you’re so confident of thattinylittle fella in your pants. I doubt it’s ever pleased a woman.”

“It pleased the woman who had to limp onto her throne. You’re welcome.”


“My queen.” I jumped to find Bradach leaning over my ear. “May I humbly suggest you stop while you’re behind? You’re humiliating yourself.”

“I do not recall asking for your input,” I snapped, whirling on him.

Bradach lurched back, nose wrinkling even as he smirked.

Why does everyone keep doing that? The attendants scented my bathwater with rose and jasmine. I cannot possibly smell bad.

Bradach fixed on Aeris. His smirk melted away, replaced by an expression I sensed rarely graced his face. “Hello, Aeris. You look well.”

She sniffed. “Why would I look unwell, Bradach? I am not ill.”

“I meant you look beautiful.” He dipped, bowing his head to her—wings fluttering. “Should you find yourself in need of a mate this heat cycle, I’d be more than happy to fertilize your eggs.”

My brows shot up. What did he just say?

Aeris gave him a flat look. “You’re an idiot.”

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