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Yes, that was the response I expected.

“I do not lay eggs, and bird faeriken do not have heat cycles—as you well know.”

“Ah, must have slipped my mind. Even so, the offer still stands.”

She was walking off before he finished his sentence.

“And you say I’m humiliating myself,” I muttered.

He muttered right back. “My queen, your tongue is as sharp as you are beautiful.”

I hid a smile. Far be it for any of these fae-beasts to think I was fond of them. Far be it for me to think it either. I was going home. I would never belong in Lumenfell.

Alisdair flapped a hand at Aeris. “Send them in.”

Aeris clapped and a door off to the side of the dais was opened. My brows lifted as dozens of faeriken of all types and sizes streamed in—my count lost at thirty. This wasn’t for show. This twisted, smirking beast actually held court like a proper ruler in a proper kingdom. Despite what Aeris said, the free-for-all orgy in the dark, windless cave better fit the picture I had of the kingdom of Wind and Wild.

I tried to stop looking at said free-for-all orgy. “Shouldn’t we make them finish?”

“They do that on their own.”

“Humorous,” I deadpanned.

“Line up,” Aeris ordered. She ushered them into an orderly line, feathers dropping in her wake. “One at a time. Address our lord clearly and be concise.”

I snuck looks at him out of the corner of my eye. How was I supposed to make my arrangements to escape if I was forced to sit under his watchful eye all day? The night before he gave me only a ten-minute head start. Not nearly enough time to arrange a way home. And even if I did, he had all night to catch me... which he did... easily.

He’s quick, strong, and powerful. What hope do I have of slowing him down, or hiding long enough to make it to daybreak? What did I used to do to outrun bullies faster than me?

An idea occurred to me.

“What? No, Alisdair, don’t say that,” I blared. “There’s nothing wrong with bursting into tears when you reachcompletion. I thought it was very sweet. Adorable even. I do think, however, that you didn’t need to sob quite so long, or so loudly.”

Aeris cut off with a squawk, gaping at me.

Slowly, dangerously, Alisdair’s narrowed eyes turned on me.

Bold as ever, I patted his hand. “Oh, my poor husband, you needn’t feel bad for not being able to satisfy me. With time and practice and less crying, you’ll improve.”

“Uhh, Queen Ana,” Bradach whispered. “I once again must say—”

“Thank you for asking, Bradach, the answer is many.” I was so loud, I drowned out the moans. “I’ve had many well-endowed, fierce, passionate lovers, so you’re right, my lord never had a chance with that tiny, little cock, but trust me, with practice, he can at least make it so I’m not so bored.” I beamed at Shadowsoul’s darkening expression. “Does that make you feel better, darling?”

He was staring hard at my mouth, like he wanted to rip it out. “You shame only yourself with this display.”

“Shame? No, it isn’t shameful to have a mole on your cock that is bigger than your cock itself. All bodies are beautiful and wonderful in their uniqueness.” My smile was sweet. “I only ask that you do not make me suck on it again. I know you get off on that, but it’s so hairy. It was like licking a cat.”

I wanted the fucking couples to cease their activities, and they most certainly had. I claimed the wide-eyed, gawping attention of everyone in the room.Idid. They were all—townspeople, guards, servants—blinking at me.

I swallowed hard, keeping my chin high. I didn’t know this face. Did it blush as easily as my true one? Because if it did, this scene was even more embarrassing than it felt. Even so, I had to keep it up. I vowed to stay by his side during the day, learninghow to rule. I may not be able to leave, but our promises said nothing about him getting fed up with me and sending me away.

I will make him despise me so much, he wants me nowhere near him before moonrise, and he runs much slower after it.

“Um, my lady?” Aeris ventured, nerves lacing her tone. “Have you finished? May we begin now?”

I laughed. “Oh my Meya, I said the same thing last night! The tragedy was that he had finished, and I didn’t even know we’d begun—”

Alisdair snapped his fingers. My lips kept moving, but nothing came out.

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