Page 138 of Pawn Of The Gods

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“You cannot die. You weren’t supposed to die! Free me!”

My eye cracked open.

“You must free me!”

Beneath her unhinged screaming, another sound reached me. Was that...?


Slowly, stiffly, I pushed myself up.

Selene’s relieved gushing over my being alive went in one ear and out the other. My lips parted—horror stealing whatever inadequate nonsense they opened to say.


The pit of Tartarus opened beneath our feet, swallowing us in the crushing, terrifying despair of hell... and Theron wept.

The scorched tatters of clothes and armor still smoking, Theron heaved crushing, heart-wrenching sobs as he clutched Nitsa’s and Ionna’s lifeless bodies to him.

At least, I assumed they were Nitsa and Ionna. The bodies were so badly burned, I couldn’t tell any more than I could recognize any of the charred, smoking bodies scattered around the arena.

Dead. Everyone dead. Including the massive, beautiful wolf that lay prone by the platform. Daciana had finally run too far for anyone to reach.

“G-guys?” My voice cracked, eyes filling. “Daciana?”

Calix shot up, gasping, throwing off the pile of bodies on top of him. It was clear his lovestruck victims had thrown themselves on top of him—shielding their obsession from the blast.

Tycho rolled off onto the stone, half his beautiful face gone. Calix looked at him, them, everything... and lost it.

His shouts rang through the air as loud as Theron’s wailing. It was why I couldn’t look at the person whose hand still held mine. My own lovestruck obsession who threw himself between me and Theron—protecting me.

“A-Alex?” I rasped, gaze fixed off in the distance. “Please, say something. Please, baby... tell me you’re okay.”


Quiet tears soaked my face.

“What did you do?” My shoulders shook, but not with sobs.

With rage.

“What the fuck did you do?” I hissed. “All of this because Sebastian knew too much? He wasn’t going to tell anyone. The only value in holding a secret over someone’s head is it remaining a secret. But because you don’t give a shit about anything or anyone beyond yourself, you destroyed his and dozens of lives.”

“I apologize.”

“You apologize? You apologize?” Suddenly I was screaming. “You did this! You killed them all for nothing! Nothing, you stupid, evil bitch! The wolf that crossed domains? Gone! The son of Zeus who breaks your ch-chains—” My voice, my head, cracked on a sob.

“Gone! All of them gone because you’re a monster. You deserve to be exactly where you are— No, you deserve to be in the deepest pit of Tartarus, and if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll put you there!” I screamed. “I swear. I promise. You’ll regret this day until the end of everything!”

Silence filled the space.

“I do regret this day, girl. It is my nature to spawn from destruction... but it is not my wish. I do not relish what was done here today. I do not delight in the sorrow it will bring.

“Undo it, Aella.” Her voice faded. “Make it not so.”

“But... how?” I broke down crying.

Flinging myself around, I threw myself on Alexander’s chest—sobbing my heart out. My love was so beautiful—even in eternal sleep. That’s how he appeared. Like he was just sleeping. I could almost believe he’d sit, flash me that smile and ask,What are you crying for, sesza?

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