Page 137 of Pawn Of The Gods

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Not bastards. They didn’t abandon us to our own mess. They’re helping. They’re trying to stop this fight.

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Alex kissed me full on the mouth. He didn’t care who was watching either. “Are you okay? I need to get you out of here.”

“Not without Theron. If we don’t get these snakes off him, he’s going to blow.”

“Say no more.” Alex made two fists and punched them together.

The snakes seized. Curling, writhing, whipping their tails—the snakes’ jaws cracked open. I swear they were screaming.

Alex released his power and they fled—scattering in every direction as fast as their legless bodies could carry them.

“I couldn’t kill them,” Alex said. “They’re innocent. They were just trying to protect him.”

I loved him so much in that moment, I wanted to kiss him again. Even in the midst of hell, Alexander Damien was kind.

“Let’s get him out of here and away from these triggers.” We moved on either side of Theron and lifted him by the shoulders.

Our trek to the entrance saw the tide turning. Paradise flowers were all over the place. Hellstones affected people, but I knew from experience that paradise flowers packed the same punch. Just looking at one made you want it more than air. Other demigods felt the same way, going by how quickly they dropped their rocks and weapons and dove for them. More than a few were now giggling, drooling heaps on the ground—inhaling the sweet, drug-like aroma of the flowers.

“This could’ve been horrible,” Alex said. We were almost out. “If a Sisyphean had died, we’d be back to separate classes, separate wings, and separate mess halls. I’d never get to see you.”

I wouldn’t lie, it warmed my heart that his horrible was being separated from me.

“But if a Titan died because Sisypheans attacked using items they got from other Titans, the council would’ve gotten involved. You know what my father wanted to do the last time. He’d go through with it this time. No one could stop him,” he said. “And Sebastian and his friends... They’d face a fate worse than you can believe. There’s a long-standing grudge in Olympia against children of Hades who cause uprisings.”


But if they hate children of Hades so much for what Midas did, how much more do they hate children of fate like the one who enabled him to rise to power?another voice asked.I’m beginning to understand why everyone who knows of my power shouts at me not to tell another soul.

“Alex,” I heard myself. “What exactly is the fate of anyone accused of bringing about another Midas?”

He winced. I already didn’t like what I was about to hear. “The council would—”

“Was it you!” Liza shot between us and the exit, eyes wild. “Did you hurt my Calix! My love. My reason for living.”

“Liza, calm—”

“You’ll pay!” Her hand, and the hellstone, snapped out from behind her back.


It soared through the air, sailing past our swiping hands. The thing smashed into Theron’s chest and crumbled.

He burst into flames.

“Ahh! Ahhh!”

“Aella!” Alex tackled me, throwing his body on mine.


A wave of heat and force blew us off our feet. We smashed into a wall, my head colliding with unforgiving stone.

The world went black.

“Wake up. Wake up, girl!”

A voice reached me in a dark and quiet place.

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