Page 38 of Inda

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“Roger,” Inda murmured and started up the steps, hating the self-doubt plaguing her. As she stowed her two bags—one clothes and one her gear—in the overhead bin, Lucas moved up behind her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest.

“Hey, there.” He pressed a kiss against her neck and her hands came up, covering his. “Have I told you how I can’t stop thinking about last night and how beautiful you look coming on my cock.”

A shudder ran through her body.

“I can’t wait to fill you up again,Onça.To fuck you until you’re screaming my name. Would you like that?”

“Yes,” she whispered, rubbing her ass against his hardening cock.

A throat cleared behind them and they both glanced over to see Hunter standing in front of the cockpit, an amused look on her face.

“Flight time is two hours and forty-five minutes,” she announced with a smirk. “Once we reach cruising altitude, feel free to move around and…whatever.”

Inda felt her cheeks burn as Hunter disappeared into the cockpit. Well, Lucas had definitely staked his claim and she wasn’t even a little upset about it. Pushing down the desire burning through her veins, she sat down beside him and buckled up. The takeoff went smoothly and the moment they leveled off, Inda received a message from Zane.

“Banshee got us reservations at Summit Serenity as Mr. and Mrs. Kroft.”

“As in Lara Croft?” he asked, grinning.

Her attention slid to his dimples and she wanted to lean over and lick the sexy indentations. Instead, she gave herself a mental shake.Get your head in the game, Bruja.“No, as in Alexis Kroft and…” She couldn’t help but smile. “Sherman Kroft. With a ‘K’.”

“Sherman?” he echoed with a scowl.

Inda laughed. “What? I think you can pull off Sherman quite nicely.”

“Oh, for chrissake. What’d he do? Pick the worst name he could think of?”

“Knowing Zane, yeah, probably.”

“Whatever. You know my real name and it is not Sherman Kroft. Thank God.” He shifted in his seat, turning toward her. “What about you? Inda is a pretty unusual name.”

“I guess,” she said carefully, not wanting to talk about her past or any of the darkness she’d experienced growing up. She did her best to keep her tone light. “My mom’s best friend growing up was a guy named Indalesio. She named me after him.”

Lucas nodded slowly. “Were you close to your mom?”

Her gaze snapped up and she could see the sadness swirling in the depths of his ice-blue eyes. His loss was still so raw. “Yes, in our own way. We only had each other. I know she did her best, but…”

“But it wasn’t always enough,” he finished.

“Sometimes she put her needs before mine,” she explained carefully.

“I’m sorry.” He reached over and laid a hand on top of hers. “What about your dad?”

“I never knew him. My mom said he took off after he found out she was pregnant.” He cursed under his breath, threading his fingers through hers. “What about you?”

“I never knew my dad, either. But only because he died in a car accident shortly after I was born. It was always just me and my mom. That’s what made losing her so damn hard.”

A pang of emotion swept through Inda and she squeezed his hand. “If you need help with anything…” Her voice trailed off and even though she was offering help, she’d never felt so helpless in her life. She wished she could heal the hole in his heart. Loss was a terrible thing.

“Thanks, but she didn’t want a service or any kind of memorial. It was just us, so…” He swallowed hard. “Her last wishes were to be cremated.”

There were no words she could offer that would comfort him, so she unbuckled her seat belt and he pulled her onto his lap. They kissed softly, tenderly, clinging to each other and offering support.

It wasn’t long before the kiss deepened and Inda shifted on his lap, unable to miss the thick ridge of his erection pressing into her hip. He’d taken care of her last night and now she wanted to return the favor. Plus, truth be told, she wanted to make him feel good. To chase the sadness away.

Reaching down, she undid the button on his jeans then tugged the zipper down. When she dipped her hand down the front of his boxer briefs, he pulled back, breaking their kiss.

“Inda…” He was breathing harshly and a muscle flexed in his cheek when she released his thickening cock from his briefs. Gripping him in her hand, she watched him grow harder and longer as she slowly stroked him from root to tip.

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