Page 25 of Inda

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Lucas snorted. “Of course.”

Technically, he’d never driven a boat, but how hard could it be?

Inda swung the gun they’d taken from the other bad guy toward the man and ordered him out of the boat. Eyes wide, he obeyed without any protest, and they both jumped into the speed boat. At the same time, the car following them squealed to a stop and two armed men jumped out.

“Gun it!” Inda yelled from the back of the boat as she lifted the pistol.

While she fired off several shots, Lucas looked down at the boat controls, located the throttle and shoved it forward. Turning the wheel, he hoped to God he could in fact drive a boat and this getaway wasn’t about to turn into aWeekend at Bernie’sfiasco.

When they lurched forward, Inda slammed into the cross section of the stern and pinned him with a glare over her shoulder. “Sorry!” he called and tossed her a sloppy salute. He just had to get his bearings, maybe figure out what some of these buttons did.

With a huff, she turned her attention back to their pursuers, firing off round after round as the armed men approached the end of the dock.

The boat picked up speed, and just when he thought they were in the clear, Inda yelled at him to drive faster.Fuck.A quick glance over his shoulder and he saw they were being chased. Increasing their speed to its absolute limit, Lucas turned them toward the Golden Gate Bridge as Inda fired off more shots.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he licked sea salt spray off his lips. No doubt about it. Shit was about to get messy.

Chapter Nine

Inda aimed at the boat following them and fired her last bullet.Dammit.They needed to outrun the bastards chasing them, and that meant driving the boat herself. Tossing the empty weapon aside, she stalked over to Lucas.

“A for effort, Cipher, but move.”

Lucas looked over at her, his dark hair blowing wildly, and licked his lips. She could almost taste the salt on them. After a brief hesitation, he must’ve realized she was right. “Yeah, okay.”

He stepped aside and she felt his gaze move up and down her body as she brushed past him and took the wheel.

“Stick to hacking,” she advised.

“I don’t think I was doing that bad,” he argued.

“How about you sit down before you accidentally fall overboard?”

She didn’t give him time to comply before she increased the speed and yanked the wheel to the side. Lucas lost his balance, grabbing onto the edge of the console so he wouldn’t hit the deck.

“Are you trying to toss me over the side?” he demanded with a scowl.

“Maybe,” she admitted with a smirk. Even though they were in danger, and seemed to have at least one common enemy, she was still pissed at him and trusted him about as much as she trusted a politician spewing his latest promises. She had a good idea the feeling was mutual.

There weren’t a lot of other boats on the water because it was getting dark out fast, and Inda squinted into the distance as they roared beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. Her gaze landed on the Sutro Baths. She hadn’t visited there since they’d taken up residence in San Fran, and it was on her list of things to do.Hmm.Maybe they could swing it. Now seemed as good of a time as any—as long as they could lose their pursuers.

“Sheridan!” she yelled over the wind. “Get back over here and drive!”

Lucas moved up beside her and arched a brow. “You sure about that?”

She pulled back on the throttle and the boat immediately slowed down.

“What the hell are you doing?” Lucas demanded, head spinning around to see the rapidly approaching bad guys.

“Taking care of business. I’m an assassin. Remember?” He’d reminded her twice, and it had bothered her both times. Yes, it was her job to eliminate scum, but that didn’t make her a bad person. Did it?

“You’re out of bullets.”

“I don’t need bullets.” She tossed him a cocky smile. “Just keep the boat slow and steady.”

Moving to the stern, Inda grabbed the mooring line. She had about ten to fifteen feet to work with, plus there was a nice metal pendant on the end she could whip around. Swinging it, she practiced a few snaps.Yeah, not perfect, but it would do.Channeling her inner Ghost Rider meets Indiana Jones, she measured out what was needed then hopped up onto the rear seat. Stepping up onto the boat’s back section, she waited for the other craft to get closer.

“Are you fucking crazy?” Lucas yelled.

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