Page 24 of Inda

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What the hell?Inda shouted for him to get down, but Lucas frowned, not yet comprehending what was happening. The window broke and something whizzed past his head, but it took a moment to register. Was that a bullet?

Before he could figure it out, Inda wrapped an arm around him and pulled him down with her. They hit the floor hard. Damn, for being so little, she possessed a crazy amount of strength. Then she was up, moving faster than a bolt of lightning, whipping her pistol out and pointing it out the window. Within seconds she was firing back and he still didn’t even know where the bullets were coming from, who was shooting, and which of them was the target. Heart in his throat, the large floor-to-ceiling windows exploded with spider web cracks.

“Do you have a gun?” she asked over her shoulder.

“What? No.”

She made a frustrated sound, rolled her eyes and started crawling toward the rear entrance. “C’mon!”

Before his brain could process her instructions, he was already moving swiftly behind her, and with zero hesitation. He still didn’t trust her, but he also had no intentions of hanging around and getting shot by their mystery guest. Right on her ass, they reached the door and she flung it open. They scrambled to their feet and raced outside.

Breathing hard, Lucas paused to look around. While he was trying to wrap his head around the situation, Inda was already racing across the backlot. Damn, she was fast.

She glanced over her shoulder and motioned for him to hurry up. “I swear to God, Sheridan, if you don’t keep up, I’m leaving your ass behind,” she snapped.

Even though they were in the middle of dodging bullets, he grinned. He couldn’t help but admire her sass and feistiness.

“Stow the dimples away and keep up because I’m out of bullets!” She shoved her gun back into its holster.

They ran to the edge of the property, past a couple of dumpsters. The moment they hit the alley, a man came racing around the corner, and Inda cursed.

“Get down!” She shoved Lucas so hard, he fell sideways, hitting his shoulder against the dumpster. He wanted to help, but he didn’t have a weapon. But maybe he didn’t need a gun. Not that he knew how to accurately shoot one, anyway. His gazequickly searched the area, looking for something to use, and landed on a steel pole sticking out the top of the trash bin.

Lucas fished the pole out and turned just in time to see Inda lift her fisted hands. The right one held a knife. Meanwhile, the man approaching had a gun. Was she fucking insane?

The guy, totally focused on her, appeared amused, and Lucas knew with certainty the asshole had already made the fatal mistake of underestimating her.

“What’re you gonna do with that, little girl?”

“Shove it up your ass,” she threatened. If the situation weren’t so serious, Lucas would have applauded her brazen courage. He watched in disbelief as she fearlessly lunged forward while simultaneously snapping her knee up and landing a kick in the man’s groin. He shouted in pain and she spun, kicking the gun from his hand.

Holy shit.He’d known from his research she was a Krav Maga expert, but seeing her in action took it to a whole other level. A massive amount of awe and respect filled him, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away as she landed two quick jabs to the guy’s chest.

Help her,a little voice yelled.Don’t just stand here gawking like an awestruck fool.

Awestruck or lovestruck?that same little annoying voice asked.

Ignoring it, Lucas called out, “Inda!”

When she glanced over at him, he tossed the metal pole and she caught it with one hand, quickly sheathing her knife with the other. Spinning the pole like it was second nature, lookinglike some kind of ancient martial arts master, she slashed and stabbed, hitting the man repeatedly until he doubled over. After several strikes to his shoulders and back, he dropped to the ground with a groan. Meanwhile, Lucas ran over and grabbed the attacker’s gun.

Moving up beside her, he handed the pistol over. “Thanks,” she said, dropping the pole. It hit the ground with a clatter just as a car came screeching around the corner. “Go! That way!”

Inda took off, cutting through a yard, and Lucas kept up right beside her. She was heading directly toward the water and he wasn’t exactly in the mood for a swim in the bay. But, she seemed to know where she was going, so he shut up and followed.

They reached the waterfront and she paused, searching the area.

“Now what?” Lucas asked, breathing hard.

“Now we steal a boat,” she announced, zeroing in on the dock.

“Oh, for chrissakes. Who are you? Lara Croft?”

She choked on a laugh. “Just try and keep up, okay?”

They raced out onto the dock and she quickly surveyed the situation. “There,” she whispered, surreptitiously stalking toward a guy who’d just pulled into a nearby slip. “Can you drive a boat?”

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