Page 58 of Brighter than Gold

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“Not since he told me he was leaving for New Orleans. I thought-” Her voice cracked. “I really thought he wanted to be partners.”

With a knowing nod, Diamond patted the top of her hand.

“Your Dad always had a soft spot for him, you know.”

Suddenly, she stood up, swallowing back a wave of emotion. “I’m going to grab more wine.”

Hollis went into the kitchen, leaned against the counter and squeezed her eyes shut. She took a few deep breaths and regrouped.

A light breeze blew in through the back screen door and the candle on the table flickered. As Hollis reached for another bottle of wine, she froze.

A pile of gold coins glowed in the candlelight on the table.

Eyes wide, she walked over and pulled out a note tucked beneath the pieces of eight. Her eyes scanned down the message: “49.9/50, right? And, one for the investors.”

Her heart stuttered in her chest. Below Dylan’s slanted handwriting was an evaluation of the coins from a dealer that stated each one was worth twenty grand.

She bit her lip and counted out ten coins. And, an extra one.

Dylan had kept his word and paid off his debt. And now he was gone.

Damn him,she thought.

Chapter Nineteen

The Sea Struck sat anchored in the Atlantic Ocean above the remains of the Santa Lucia which had been marked by buoys. Outside on the deck, Hollis and Hiro studied R.O.V. images on the laptop coming in from over 40 feet below.

“Right there!” Hollis cried.

“I see it,” Hiro said.

Using what resembled a video game control, he manipulated the R.O.V.’s hand to pick up what looked like a chunk of silver coins.

“Got it.”

While Hiro brought the R.O.V. back to the surface, Hollis wandered over to a table full of finds from the depths below. Some had been cleaned, other pieces sat in salt water tanks being preserved until they could be properly cleaned.

“More pieces of eight,” Hiro announced. He carefully submerged them in a tank of cleansing solution. “We’ve been salvaging almost a month. Still no word from the state big-wigs?”


“That Rosary you guys found might’ve been the greatest piece down there.”

“Dylan found it,” Hollis said and ran her hand over the coins.

Hiro studied her closely, debating whether or not he should tell her anything. Then, “He asked about you.”

Hollis’s stomach dropped, but she tried to appear casual. “Oh?” She hadn’t spoken to Dylan since he told her was moving to New Orleans.


While Hollis waited for more information, Hiro pretended to focus on some trinket laying on the table.

“What did he ask?” She tried to keep her voice neutral, but she was dying to know.

“Oh, you know, just the usual.”

She waited, crossed her arms. “Hiro…”

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