Page 57 of Brighter than Gold

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“I guess that went about as well as expected. If they claim rights, I can fight it. Or, settle for part of the finds.”

Dylan looked away, not happy with that answer.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

Shit.There was no easy way to tell her so he just said it. “I’ve decided to go to New Orleans. You know, get to know my brother better, meet my sister and even maybe finally open my club.”

For a stunned moment, Hollis stared at him in disbelief. He was leaving her? After all they’d been through? Her heart plummeted. Then, she was pissed. “You don’t want to help me salvage the Santa Lucia?”

Even though she tried, she couldn’t hide the hurt in her voice.

“You’re going to put your heart and soul into it and they’re going to lay claim on everything. What’s the point?”

A wave of disappointment washed over Hollis and she glanced away. This is the Dylan she remembered. A guy who was selfish and unreliable.Dammit. I’m such an idiot.She really thought he had changed.

Hollis straightened her shoulders. “I have to do it. For my Dad.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help,” Dylan said. “But, if Florida steps in like we know they’re going to, I don’t think it’s worth it. Besides, I just found out I have family that I never knew about. I’d love to get to know them.”

“It’s fine,” Hollis said, trying hard not to let him see how upset she was getting. “I understand. This was just a fling for you.”

“Hollis, that’s not true.”

But, she couldn’t stand there and listen to his excuses for another second. “Good luck. With everything,” she forced out. Then, she hurried off before he saw the sudden onslaught of hot tears that poured from her eyes.

With a sigh, Dylan dropped his head back in defeat.Fuck.Well, he just managed to screw that up. Royally.

Two nights later, Dylan leaned against his truck, arms crossed, eyes on Hollis’s house. Lightning bugs lit up the front lawn, crickets chirped and her Jeep sat in the driveway. Soft jazz music floated out the open windows where a light breeze stirred the curtains.

Since when did Hollis listen to jazz?he wondered. Was that a good sign? Was she thinking about him like he’d been thinking about her? God, not one minute passed when he wasn’t obsessing over his decision to leave and go to New Orleans.

Maybe he was making the biggest mistake of his life by leaving. But, Hollis didn’t want him. They’d found the Santa Lucia and now Florida had stepped in and was calling the shots.

Caught in indecision, Dylan took a step forward then stopped. He wanted to talk to her, explain things better, but he messed up. And, Hollis didn’t forgive easily. With a sigh, Dylan climbed into the truck and turned the key.

It was probably best that he left and gave her time to cool off. Because he wasn’t giving up on them, just letting things simmer.

But, before he hit the gas, his gaze drifted over to the passenger seat. He grabbed his jacket, heard the clink of coins and reached into the pocket.

Dylan pulled out the forgotten pieces of eight that he and Hollis had found at the wreck site.

For a long, thoughtful moment, he studied them.

Inside, Hollis and Diamond sat on the couch sharing a bottle of wine. They both looked worn out, a sadness in their eyes.

“This fight with Florida could be a lengthy battle,” Diamond said.

“It’s exhausting. I mean, technically, a linguist in Cuba discovered the 13th ship. Why should I or Florida or anyone else get the credit?”

“All because a French captain spilled the beans 300 years ago.”

With an ironic laugh, Hollis took a sip of wine. She forced it down and then her throat closed painfully with emotion. “I’m so sorry about the way all this turned out. If I hadn’t involved you-”

“Nothing would’ve changed, my dear. We can’t blame ourselves. I’m devastated by the loss of my son...but, not the ruthless, unprincipled man he had become. I’m just glad you and Dylan weren’t harmed, too.”

At the mention of Dylan’s name, her heart clenched.

“Have you heard from Dylan?” Diamond asked carefully.

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