Page 45 of Brighter than Gold

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Dylan groaned, slipped his hands under her ass and lifted her up. Hollis wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her toward his bedroom. His heart thumped so hard he thought it would beat out of his chest.

When she licked up his neck and began to suck on his earlobe, his cock surged against his zipper. “Shit, Hollis,” he said and twisted around, falling onto the bed with her beneath him. She stretched out and he slid between her legs, slipping his hands beneath her shirt, pulling it up and off.

Hollis worked his shirt off, too, and she ran her nails down his back. With a low groan, Dylan ground his hips up, letting her feel how hard he was for her. She slid a hand down between their bodies and rubbed the front of his zipper.

“Fuck,” he hissed.

Then, she popped the button and worked the zipper down. He sprang free, so hot and hard. Hollis wrapped her fingers around his long length and began to stroke him. His breathing grew raspy, sharp, and he filled her hands with his thickness.

Hollis kissed her way down his chest, swirling her tongue around his navel, and then dipped down. Dylan froze and the moment she took him into her mouth, he dug his fingers into her copper hair and dropped his head back.

“Jesus,” he swore and thrust his hips forward.

It felt too damn good. Her wet mouth slid up and down while her hands twisted and gently squeezed. And, her tongue. Christ, it was magical, Dylan thought as his hips bucked up off the mattress.

He was going to explode. But, not in her mouth. “When I come, I want to be inside you,” he said, grabbing her shoulders. He pulled her up and flipped their positions so he could reach the condom in his drawer. Hollis fell back against his pillows, breathing hard, as he rolled it on and moved back between her legs.

He captured her mouth in a rough, almost desperate kiss, and plunged into Hollis in one, smooth stroke. She gasped and arched up, reveling in the sweet, stinging stretch of her body. He started a rhythm that was fast, demanding, and she moved with him, meeting each thrust.

Hollis dug her nails into his back and cried out when the first waves of pleasure rocked her. Not far behind her, Dylan shuddered above her as his orgasm hit him fast and hard. He collapsed down beside her, breathing hard.

When his heart finally slowed down, he reached for a lock of Hollis’s copper hair and rubbed it between his fingers. Their gazes met for a long moment, but neither were able to find any words.

Dylan released her hair, padded off to the bathroom and got rid of the condom.Fuck,he thought. Hollis still had walls up, a mile high, and she still didn’t trust him completely. At least not when it came to treasure-hunting and, most likely, her heart.

He had no idea how she was feeling. Was fucking him just a pleasant diversion? A way to pass the time until they finished searching the Santa Lucia’s wreck site? His stomach clenched. It didn’t sit well with him.

Him, of all people. Normally, he preferred to keep things light and easy. No strings, no serious relationships. But, Hollis made him realize that maybe having something more wouldn’t be so bad.

Hell, not so bad? Who was he kidding? Ever since he woke up next to her in Cuba, he had been imagining what it would be like having a life with her. He liked looking over and seeing her bright hair spilled across the pillow and watching the even rise and fall of her chest while she slept.

Dammit. Dylan always had a thing for Hollis and now that they’d slept together, he felt her siren pull more than ever. He loved everything about her-- from her fiery spirit to her determination and perseverance. She was brave and beautiful.

And, when those thugs took her in Cuba, he had panicked like he never had before. Because if something had happened to her, he never would’ve forgiven himself.

With a sigh, Dylan walked back into his room where Hollis was already dressed and slipping her shoes back on. Her gaze slid down his naked body and, for a brief moment, he saw heat and appreciation flare in her eyes. Then, she turned away.

“I should go,” she said and headed toward the door.

“You’re leaving?” Dylan followed her, not bothering to cover his nakedness. “I thought we were spending the night at the wreck?”

He was far too comfortable with his body, Hollis thought, averting her eyes. And, why not? He was tall and lean, so muscular and fit. He had the perfect body.I should know, Hollis thought.I’ve explored most of it with my hands and mouth.

“Um, it’ll be fine until morning.”

“Will it?”

Hollis gave him a sideways glance. “Yeah,” she said and opened the door. She wasn’t so sure about her heart, though.

Dylan stopped abruptly. Dammit, he wasn’t going to chase her.

“If I hear from Diamond, I’ll let you know,” she said and then was gone.

Dylan ran a frustrated hand through his hair and cursed under his breath. At this point he didn’t know what to do to gain her trust. Or, if that was even possible. Maybe it was for the best, he thought.

But, no, he knew it wasn’t. He wanted Hollis Quinn to stop running away from him. He wanted her in his life and he was determined to do whatever it took to make that happen.

Chapter Sixteen

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