Page 19 of Brighter than Gold

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Hollis took a sip of the hot coffee and Dylan sat down next to her. “He must’ve left me the same folder,” Dylan said.

It was identical to Hollis’s folder.

Hollis sighed and decided to be transparent. “I guess that’s a good thing since mine is gone.” She ran a hand through her long red hair. “I just don’t understand.”

Dylan considered her words as he studied the handle on his mug. For someone so smart, she was being extremely obtuse at the moment.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked and tugged at the rolled-up sleeve of his sweatshirt.

Hollis looked down, felt the warmth of his hand through the material, and her heart seemed to trip inside her chest.

“He wanted us to work together,” he said in a low voice.

As she considered his words, she knew it was the truth. Her Dad, still playing matchmaker. She drew in a shaky breath. Problem was she didn’t trust Dylan Ford as far as she could throw him.

So, why did you trust him, Dad?

“Look, I say we work together and if the Santa Lucia is out there, we’ll find her.”

“Why would you want to help me?” Hollis asked. “I’ve never been very nice to you and, let’s face it, I certainly can’t afford your services.”

For a moment, Dylan didn’t say anything. Just looked at her fingers that poked out of the long sleeve of his sweatshirt. What was he supposed to say? That he’d had a crush on her since he could remember? That he dreamed about heragainlast night? That she made him hard every single time he smelled her coconut-scented skin and hair?

“I think we’d make a good team,” he said. “But, you have to try and trust me. Can you do that?”

Hollis swallowed hard. “I don’t know.”

Dylan felt a wave of disappointment flow through him. What the hell did he expect? Trust had to be earned, he reminded himself. And, so far, he’d done nothing to earn it. “C’mon,” he said. “Let’s go out and see what Hiro’s got.”

Hollis laid her hand on his arm. “I’ll try,” she promised. Dylan glanced down at her hand on his upper arm and felt his pulse spike.

“Me, too,” he said softly.

As they headed out, Dylan still felt the imprint of her hand through his sleeve.

TheFortune & Glorycruised out across the sea leaving a white foam in its wake. When it finally came to a stop, the anchor lowered with a splash into the blue-green water. On deck, Hiro fiddled with the new R.O.V. (Remote Operated Vehicle). Fisher sat by his side, curious gaze watching every move he made.

“So, what makes that so special?” Hollis asked, eyeing it closely.

“Some fancy modifications, courtesy of moi.” Hiro stared at her for a moment too long then broke out into a huge grin. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re Chaz Quinn’s daughter. He’s like a legend.”

His fanboy enthusiasm made her smile. “He was the best,” she agreed.

Hiro looked from Hollis to Dylan again, still trying to figure out what exactly was going on between them. “So. Partners now, huh?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Hollis said. “We’re just…working together.”

Dylan frowned, but Hiro continued to gush. “And, the 13th ship! Holy shit this is gonna be epic!”

“Only if we find it,” Dylan said. He turned to Hollis. “So, boss, what’s the plan?”

“I think we should talk to Salvador, my Dad’s friend in Cuba who did the translations. He might have more for us.”

“It’s only 93 miles from Key West,” Dylan mused.

“Well, we can’t actually go,” she said.

“Can’t we?” Dylan asked and raised a mischievous brow.

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