Page 154 of All Mixed Up

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“Oh.” She sat up straighter and rested her hands on her thighs. “Well, in that case.”

Again, he fought his amusement and looked away from her.

When his hazel eyes came back to her, they were lit from within. And she knew that look. That was his “he has a secret” look.

She loved that look.

He licked his lips, swallowed, took a deep breath…and got down on one knee.

Her stomach flipped over and her heart began beating the samba.

“André?” she said so softly she wasn’t sure the words made it out.

“I have to ask you a very important question,” he said. “Possibly the most important question of my life.”

She tried to keep her breathing steady. If this wasn’t what she thought it was—

“I love you, Nicole. I love everything about you. I love your laugh and your joy. I love that you cry more when the hero gets it right than when everything goes wrong. I love that you show up to reroof a house when you should be sleeping. I love that you see people and appreciate them for all their differences. I love that you never stop hoping for better. I love that you’re excitable and you have a lot to say because it’s all things I want to know. I love listening to you, talking to you, sharing my heart with you.”

He took her hand.

“And I was wondering if you’d mind, if you weren’t too busy, would you consider spending the rest of your life letting me love you? Properly?”

She launched herself at him and he caught her. She rained kisses all over his stupid handsome face until he lost his balance and fell back. She went with him and continued to pummel him with a frenzy of kisses.

When she sat up straddling his waist, he was smiling.

“Is that a yes?” he asked with a short laugh.

He brought her hand to his heart, and she glanced down. Her gaze bounced back to him and then back to the ring that sat, inexplicably, on her finger.

“I will love you for the rest of my life, Nik,” he said, serious again.

She realized he was waiting for her answer. Obviously, it was yes. But it suddenly felt like such a small word for such a large feeling.

“André?” She took a breath. The pink diamond glittered in the light. Or maybe those were her tears. “I will only say yes on one condition.”

His eyebrows dipped and he nodded once.

So earnest.

So committed.

“You have to let me love you just as much as you love me.”

He grinned, sat up, wrapped his arms around her, and rolled so she was now on her back.

“You can try, but I’m not sure you understand how much I love you. It’s an enormous amount. Gargantuan, in fact.”

She pushed his dark hair back where it had flopped messily onto his forehead. “I think you’d better show me.”



As usual, the NMAs were filled with drama and excitement.

The biggest upset of the night was Zara Lorna winning Album of the Year forFirst Comes Love.

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