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Everyone looked at Virus, figuring either Chief Dick Rundle was back, or worse yet, county was here to start asking questions about stuff.

“Who?” Cyrus growled.

Virus looked at Slade and nodded.

“That woman that escaped is back and asking for Slade.”

Chapter Nineteen

Repeat Lust

They wouldn’t even let Nelle drive into the parking lot. Three big bikers stood in front of her car, arms folded. Massive guys yet she wondered if she could just plow them down with her car. One of the guys namedVirustold her to stay put. Nelle waited.

To her surprise, it didn’t take long before Slade appeared, pointing and bellowing orders. Demanding they let Nelle drive onto the lot. Relief hit her but in a very small dose. She wasn’t dumb by any means and knew taking off the way she did only meant trouble waited for her. But you had to look at it through Nelle’s eyes. The trouble of dealing with a pissed off outlaw or two was better than having bullets tear through her flesh and organs like the fate of her sisters.

Nelle parked and got out of the car slowly. Eyes moving all around. Slade wasted no time, walking right up to her, moving fast.

Oh, he’s pissed, Nelle thought to herself.

She leaned against her car. Slade threw a fist and punched the car, just above the window. Knuckles crashing into metal. Slade didn’t flinch at all. Nelle blinked fast.

“What are you here for now, sweetheart?” Slade asked. “More free drinks? A place to crash again? Seems when you come around, someone gets shot and killed.”

Nelle gasped and swung her left hand without thinking. She slapped Sladehard. The sound echoed. Her hand stung like fire. A red handprint appeared on Slade’s face.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “Slade…”

“You want to get crazy with me, sweetheart?” Slade growled. “Fine by me!”

Slade grabbed Nelle’s hips and picked her right up off the ground. He threw her over his shoulder, turned and walked toward the clubhouse.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Nelle called out.

She then felt one of Slade’s hands smack her right ass cheek and grip.Hard.

“I’ll teach you to fucking slap me, sweetheart,” Slade growled even deeper.

Nobody tried to stop Slade. Nobody tried to aid Nelle either. She was in his grasp. His grip.

Yet at the same time, Nelle didn’t exactly try to kick and punch and get away either…

Slade was not in the mood for any more bullshit. Not with the club. Not with the police. Not with this fucking joke over jerking off to a doll video. And definitely not in the mood for any more bullshit from Nelle. A swift smack to her ass was just the start for what he wanted.

He fully expected Nelle to lose her mind when he grabbed her. She acted like a cornered kitten, frightened by the slightest movement, yet she stayed still now. That only turned Slade oneven more. His cock twisting and thickening in his jeans. A bulge so obvious that even Maggie couldn’t help but see it as she watched Slade carrying Nelle over his shoulder past the bar.

She almost asked if Nelle was alive or not, but knew to keep her mouth shut. Maggie bit her bottom lip and found a damp towel to wipe down the bar. A knot in her throat, wondering if one of these outlaws would ever care for her.

Nothing was visible to Slade except the pathway to his room. Once inside his bedroom, he slammed the door and locked it. He then walked Nelle to the bed and tossed her like she was a bag of clothes, or money, or drugs…

Yeah, she’s a fucking drug, that’s for sure,Slade thought.

Without hesitation he opened his jeans.

“You want to be back in here, sweetheart?” Slade growled. “I’ll make you throw up like you did last time, except it’ll be from my cock stuffed down your throat. Now get over her and pay the admission fee.”

Nelle’s eyes were wide. Her face bright red too. She grabbed at the sheets on the bed, watching as Slade pulled his cock from his jeans. He just let it hang freely too. A massive, thick organ at that. Hearty veins showing. If this was Slade semi hard, then hard would be…intense…

“I didn’t mean to leave,” Nelle whispered. “I was scared.”

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