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My mind moves to Mary, but I remind myself that my little girl is okay. The vehicle itself is alarmed so much I’d hear it from here if someone entered.

Not to mention, I was just there dropping off Lulu’s things. No one had tripped any of the sensors near the RV. Not what I had planned but the extra trip was necessary with Lulu’s current state of mind. The question now, is how do I get my girl there without waking the whole town?

The fact that she’s sleeping helps,I smirk.

Her body looks awkward and I know she’ll be sore when she wakes. Nothing she doesn’t deserve. I just hope that Lulu is a quick learner. I don’t enjoy doing this, but I will as many times as I need to.

We have to leave town, soon. I’d go now but when two murders happen in a small town, people tend to be suspicious of those that leave before the bodies are found. After, that’s not too bad, especially for visitors.

Who wants to be in a town where a killer is on the loose?

We’ll use the frantic energy of the town to leave without suspicion tomorrow.

I sigh again as I climb onto the bed. Something tells me it won’t be that easy.



We make it back to the campsite before my wife-to-be wakes. Wrapped in her grandmother’s quilt, she doesn’t have the option of flailing about.

Sleepy brown eyes blink up at me. Turning her head, she glances around, making a noise of concern.

“Shhh,” I soothe.

We’re so close; in a few more minutes, I’ll have her in our home away from home.

Resigned or too tired to fight, Lulu lowers her head back to my shoulder and settles the rest of the way to my RV. Grateful, I drop a kiss to her head.

Peering out of the woods, I make sure the coast is clear before stepping out into the open. The RV is parked close to the trees and in the corner of the lot,but we’re still exposed for the few steps it takes to get to the door.

Careful of the sensors, I step over the invisible line coming from the plant pot, one of many surrounding the van. Although soundless, it trips the first of three triggers for the RV to go into full shutdown. Metal shutters slamming over the windows are bound to bring attention, along with questions that I can’t answer.

I set Lulu on her feet so that I can dig out the key. Sliding it into the lock, I avoid the handle. That being the second trigger.

Wrapping my arm around Lulu’s waist, I lift her off the ground. We need to be quick. Opening the door won’t set off the system, but it will sound the alarm. We have four seconds to get in and input the code.

I open the door and rush us inside, then close it quickly and quietly. The keypad is right here, the light red. One, nine, zero, enter. The light turns green.

I lock the door, the sound of four locks turning into place suddenly louder than usual. Finally, I use the key, securing the last lock.

I need to see Mary.

Pocketing the key, I turn and hold out my hand. “Let’s go check on Piglet.”

Lulu eyes the door, then looks back at me.

Please don’t fight,I silently plead. I’m exhausted. I need a shower, bed, and a good fuck. Not in that order.

Remembering her bloodstained skin beneath the quilt, I feel my trousers grow tight. It’s a shame it has to go, but there can be no evidence of what happened tonight.

Shower first it is.

A slim arm peeks out from between the folds of the blanket. Her hand slips into mine. Pleased, I give it a firm squeeze.

Quietly, I lead Lulu to the left, through the kitchen and living room, down a narrow hall that houses Mary’s room. Creaking the door open, I glance in, happy when I find Mary Lou sleeping soundly. I’ve never been more grateful for the fact that once that girl is out, she’s out.

I’d normally sneak in for one more good night kiss to her head on my way to bed, but it’s nearing six o’clock. I still need to sort Lulu, and hopefully, we can catch a few hours of sleep before Piglet wakes up.

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