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I’m hoping she’ll sleep longer if I don’t wake her at our usual eight.

Closing the door, I lead Lulu farther down the small hall, past the bathroom and to the end door.

Our room.

Pushing the door open, I motion for her to enter first.

Again, she doesn’t fight.

Lulu stops near the edge of my bed, her lip disappearing between her teeth. I point at the door on the end wall. Her hair, now matted and dirty, flies out wildly as she twists to follow my finger.

“I’ll take that.” I motion to the blanket.

When she makes no move, I practically have to pry it from her fingertips, making me chuckle.

I fold the blanket, placing it across the bottom of the bed. It can go in the laundry with my clothes and the towels we use in a minute. Encouraging her to the bathroom with a firm hand on her back, I turn on the shower, close the toilet lid, and sit down to unlace my boots, my jacket soon joins them on the floor.

Without encouragement, Lulu steps into the shower. Warm water washes over her, pooling pink at her feet.

The glass door between us steams quickly, hiding her from view, and it shatters my self-control. My plan to clean up while she showers and then to have one myself after goes out the window. The blurry shape of her body and the way she keeps looking over at where I sit is too much to ignore.

Standing, I reach behind my head and pull my shirt off. The rest of my clothes join the pile waiting to be cleaned.

The shower is barely big enough for both of us, but I manage. Together, we wash off her body. Our hands bump, her body shivering at the attention I give it. Mud washes off me, mixing at our feet with the bloody water. The sight has my cock seeping.

I can’t believe she’s mine.

Cupping her breasts, I kiss the back of her neck. After the night I’ve had, it won’t take long for me toexplode. One dip in her tight channel will do it. I’ll make it up to her later.

Lulu pours shampoo onto her hair, scrubbing her scalp.

My chest heaves with need. Stepping closer, I press my chest to her back, and her head barely touches my shoulder.

I kiss her neck again. One hand massages her breast while the other drops to steady my cock. Bending my knees, I tilt my hips and push into her to the hilt, buried deep within a second.

Her gasp gets lost in the noise of running water.

I was right. That’s all it takes.

As soon as our hips are flush, my pleasure spills into her. Holding her tight, I fill her. Panting, I kiss her shoulder.

Lulu shifts her hips, probably sore from our earlier fucking, but I just hold her tighter. My right hand drops to her lower tummy, keeping her still.

Pulling out, I straighten, dropping another kiss on her shoulder when she whimpers. I’m a big guy, both in length and thickness. It’ll be a while, if ever, before she takes me without any pain.

Her hair rinses out quickly, and I pause my touches of her just long enough to scrub my own hair.

I am more than ready for bed, and by the redness of her skin, so is Lulu.

Shutting off the water, I step out first.

I dry her body, patting the water from her armsand chest. Dropping down, I wipe her legs, happy to see my cum leaving her.

I’ll have her pregnant before Christmas.

“Are you on birth control?” I blurt out.

Lulu blushes, glancing down at me. My chest relaxes when she shakes her head.

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