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He killed her!

He didn’t have to; she wasn’t like Andrew.

Despite my struggles, Ajax manages to corral us into my bedroom. Seeing my bed, he chuckles, the sound vibrating through his body and into mine.

“Little shit.”

An arm worms across my chest and the other scoops under my legs. Lifting, he tosses me onto the bed. My breasts bounce, reminding me that I’m naked.

Fury runs through me. Whatever he thought was happening isn’t. Fuck him! And fuck his rules!

Jumping off the bed, I make a run for the door, but he catches me easily, throwing me back onto the bed.

“We don’t have time for this,” he growls.

Snagging the end of the long rope, Ajax tackles me, laying us out on the mattress. He pins my hands above my head when I try to swing my closed fists at him, but my knee connects with his side, forcing a grunt from him.

Straddling me, he traps me beneath him. Even as his weight pushes me into the bed, I try to knee him in the back.

One minute, my hands are tied in front of me, and the next, I’m on my stomach with my hands being retied. Ajax swings his leg over to kneel on one side of me. Grasping my ankle, he bends my leg at the knee, weaving the rope around one foot at a time until I’m lying face down, my hands and feet bound together near my ass.

It’s uncomfortable and awkward. I tell him so.

“Then you should have thought about that before you had your little tantrum.”

My mouth drops at his words.

“I told you; disobedience has consequences in this family, Lulu,” he reminds me.

Turning my head, I watch as he climbs off the bed.

As if my current state wasn’t punishment enough, the asshole slaps my ass. The sounds of his palm hitting my bare skin is loud.

Bending at his hips, he braces himself on his knees. “I’m going to put your mother with your stepfather because that’s where she belongs. She chose him over you, Lulu. Many times.”

I turn my face the other way. I don’t want to hear this.

Ajax sighs. “I’m choosing you, Lulu. Now and always. There is nothing and no one that will ever separate us. Think of that while I clean up this mess.”

A tear breaks free. Rolling over my nose where is drops to the cover below.

The wheels of my case catch on the doorframe before my only exit clicks closed.

Lying here, I think of how different things would be if I had told someone. Made an official complaint with the sheriff, went to live with the Cromwells like Sam offered, or even if I had run away at eighteen like I always wanted. But instead, I chose to stay, tosee if my mom would love me if only she saw what a good daughter I was.

This is my fault. All of it is because of me.

One tear turns to many, and as Ajax moves around my parents’ room, I don’t try to tame or quieten my sobs. I let them out until eventually I have nothing but exhaustion left.



My chest heaves with a sigh.

I’m tired and hadn’t meant to be out this long. My eyes take in the naked and bound woman sleeping on the bed.

She’s worth it.

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