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“Lulu,” he warns.

I don’t want him to tie me up again. “I’ll be good. I’ll stay here. I promise.”

His large hands capture my wrists. “I know you will,” he agrees, causing me to cry. “Shh,” he reminds me. “One day, this won’t be necessary. But today is not that day. I won’t be long, and then we’ll leave.”

My tears fall harder.

The rope is tight like before, binding my hands together. Encouraging me onto the bed, Ajax guides me to lie down. His larger form joins me on the bed, straddling my hips. Leaning over, he loops the rope through my old bedframe. The base creaks with our weights, and the metal whines when he pulls tight.

It’s too much. The way the rope bites into my skin, the softness of the quilt beneath me, the brush of his clothes against my naked skin, the knowledge of where we are, and that I need to stay quiet. My bodyreacts without permission. My hips lift, seeking him as Ajax crawls down my body and off the bed.

“Fuck,” he curses. “We don’t have time.” His face looks pained as he shifts his crotch.

Embarrassed, I close my legs, but the friction it causes only makes things worse.

Ajax takes one last look at me and then turns for the door. “I’m not going to gag you or tie you down more. Don’t make me regret that, Louise.” He doesn’t wait for a response, leaving me to blink after him.

With nothing else to do, I lie here reprimanding myself for tonight’s events.

I fucked a killer.

My mind replays everything that happened. The deep aches in my body tells me it wasn’t some sick dream.

It really happened. All of it.

Ajax’s words about my mother not waking sneak back in.What did he mean?Fear churns my tummy.

Andrew was different. He deserved it.Ajax wouldn’t harm her, right?My heart stops at the thought.

My neck bows as I stretch to glance at the wall behind my bound hands. I should check. Maybe she’s passed out drunk, and that’s what Ajax meant.

Tugging at the rope, I cringe at the noise it makes. Stilling, I hold my breath, waiting for movement that says I woke her, but nothing comes.

Maybe she left to stay somewhere else for the night?She doesn’t have anywhere to go.

I pull again and again. Almost frantic, I jostle theknot back and forth as if it will somehow undo the bind.

Suddenly, a loud clang sounds, and my hands pull backward as the headboard drops, separating from the bed.

I roll onto my stomach and onto my knees.

Holy shit.

Climbing off the bed, I grasp the top end of the mattress and pull, shoving my weight into the side at the same time. Slowly, the base and mattress move enough for me to shimmy between the headboard and the bed.

The metal is worn and cheap. The two screws that attached it to the base have pulled loose. The metal slats are long but don’t connect to each other. I can slide the rope off the end of the slat that I’m tied to.

My eyes tear up.

Breathing heavy, I make my way to the next bedroom and pause, standing there until my feet ache.

Reaching out, I grasp the doorknob. Turning, I push it open.

All air leaves me.

The sight before me tears me apart. Horrified, I suck in a lung full of air and scream at the same time that a hand latches onto my face, covering my mouth. The sound comes out muffled.

Thrashing, I fight his grip. The smell of blood surrounds us. Kicking my legs, I fight with everything I have.

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