Page 87 of Claim

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Now, I want to hit him.Dick.

“Sure, but you have to get in the back with Daniel.”

I thought Daniel had been ignoring what was going on out here, but at Sheriff McCallister’s words, Daniel’s head turns to face us. Green eyes zero in on Cooper. Daniel’s head tilts, his mouth splitting into a wide grin as his enormous chest shakes with a chuckle. I shiver. How is this the same man who greeted and comforted me just moments ago?

Like the coward he is, Cooper backtracks quickly. “I’ll meet you there. I need to clear my head anyway. The walk will do me good.”

The car horn blares.

That woman is super impatient.But I want her gone, too. The brothers need to be together. At least then I’ll know Michael is safe.

We stand and watch mournfully as Daniel is driven away in the back of the police car. At least we get the sight of Cooper staggering down the drive.

“I hope he gets blisters,” I whisper.

Kaleb’s shoulders shake. “That’s nicer than what I was wishing for, Fawn.”

The name makes me tear up. I really do feel like someone’s prey right now.

A hand on my back reminds me that I’m not alone. I give Charlie a regretful smile. She shouldn’t have to comfort me. It was her husband who just got arrested.

“They’ll be okay,” I say, with more confidence than I have.

“It’s this house.” Christopher gestures. “Everything bad that’s happened in the past few years hasstarted here. Maybe we should sell it.” He wraps his arm around his wife’s shoulders.

“No point,” Helen mumbles. “One of the boys would just buy it, and we’d still be here every weekend.”

“True.” He gives in, kissing the crown of her head.

“The boys . . .” She worries.

“Will be just fine. Nothing’s happening to Michael with Daniel there, and I’ve called Edward to come sort this nonsense out.”

Kaleb reaches out, taking Charlie’s and my hands and drawing us into the house after his parents.

Helen nods, but all of us ladies seem to move a bit unsteady as we enter the house.

“You both hear that? The family lawyer and Dad are on the case. Your boys will be home before you know it,” Kaleb repeats for us.

“Tonight?” Charlie asks, hopeful.

“Maybe not, sweet girl,” Kaleb says gently, looking at the wall clock, “but soon. Why don’t you and Mom go feed Belle? She’s going to need a bottle any minute now, right?”

“I’ll sort the bottle,” Helen offers.

“No.” Charlie shakes her head. “I’ll breastfeed her. I need her close right now.”

Kaleb strokes the back of her head. “I’m going to do a security sweep of the house. Do you want me to come up to you after?”

“No, it’s okay.” She smiles shakily, heading towardthe stairs and pausing at the bottom. “Helen, you can still come if you want.”

“Of course, baby, of course.” Helen rushes, seeming happy to have something to keep her mind busy.

“Lara?” Charlie asks, extending me an invitation.

I want to, but I hesitate, unsure.

“It’s okay.” Charlie gestures for me to follow, too, “You won’t be the first Cromwell other than my husband to see my boobs.” She laughs, but it quickly trails off to a sob.

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