Page 85 of Claim

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Cooper stumbles to find his words again. Everyone just stands around watching as their case falls apart on the Cromwell’s driveway.

Agent Collins rubs at her right temple. Exhaling loudly, she shares a look with the sheriff who raises his brow and waves a hand at Cooper, clearly not impressed.

“Talk to Darrell’s friends,” he whines.

“I will,” she snaps, “and for your sake, they better have seen something.”

Cooper smirks. “At least Michael will have a fun night.”

“The fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Kaleb demands.

“Well, a handsome man like that in a cell full of rowdy bikers. I can only imagine what they’ll do.”

I don’t know who cries louder at Cooper’s words, me or Helen.

“That true?” Daniel demands.

McCallister nods. “We booked some bikers who were cutting through Ellis Road early this morning, still intoxicated from last night’s partying. We only have one cell. It’s pretty crowded, but my officer will be in the room most of the time,” he rushes to add.

Daniel steps forward without another word. His fist lands on Cooper’s face with a crack.

The man goes down like a plank of wood. Flyingbackward, he lands flat on his back with a loud thud that seems to echo through the surrounding woods. He’s knocked out cold. Blood flows from his nose while he lies there, but no one moves to help him.

Stepping back, Daniel turns, holding his hands behind his back.

My mouth dropped the minute he struck Cooper, and it stays open the longer the man lies there.Holy shit.

Charlie stands next to me in complete shock. Glancing around, I see there’s not one jaw closed.

“Oh, that felt good, and I didn’t even do it,” Kaleb cries out, hanging his head back. “You have all the fun,” he moans.

“Daniel.” Christopher sighs, disappointed.

“I have Michael,” he tells his dad before turning to his wife. “You stay with Kaleb. He’s in charge until Michael comes home.”

Charlie nods, tears spilling out. Blinking rapidly, she mouths, “I love you.”

I can’t help but to feel guilty because while she’s worried and sad, I’m relieved. Daniel will protect Michael. With his brother there, I know he’ll be okay.

Daniel turns to Kaleb next. “With your life,” he demands.

Kaleb seems to stand taller, broader. “With my life,” he agrees. “I have his girl, too.”

“Oh, Daniel,” Helen murmurs, covering her mouth.

Cooper stirs on the ground, finally comingaround. He coughs slightly, blood filling his mouth when he tries to speak. A blood bubble grows and pops in his left nostril, and I have to look away.

Agent Collins approaches Daniel with her cuffs out.

“I don’t think they’re going to fit.” She cringes, closing one of the bracelets on his wrist.

She’s right. His body is too wide for his arms to meet in the middle of his back.

“Do you have any zip ties in the car?”

“No,” McCallister answers. “I wasn’t anticipating arresting the hulk.”

“I won’t be any trouble,” Daniel promises.

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