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“Oh, perfect. Stopped hurting a few days after I left here,” I say, wiggling it to show I’m as good as new.

“You’re perfect,” she praises, framing my face.

Tears fill my eyes. Why couldn’t my own mother be like her?

“What happened to your foot?” Charlie frowns, handing Belle off to her insistent grandmother. According to Helen’s grin, this is exactly what she had planned when she came here.

“Samantha,” Michael tuts. “Speaking of, where is she?”

“Upstairs,” Helen says quietly. “She and your father argued about her grounding, and Kaleb ended up taking her upstairs for a talking-to.”

“She was being a brat, so she gets a time-out,” Kaleb calls over, picking the knife back up. “Let’s eat, shall we? Celebrate my brother getting married.”

“You’re next.” Christopher laughs, pointing his beer bottle at Kaleb.

“Fuck, no,” he protests.

But I see the way his mouth lifts slightly.

Belle draws my attention, squealing and babbling to her Uncle Michael. Stepping closer, I sigh as the heat of his hand sears my ass. My body really does crave this man like nothing else. Michael reaches out to take Belle, kissing her cheek as he brings her to his chest. Seeing how gentle and loving he is, I know I won’t be able to fight him and his demands for a future for much longer.

The murder that happened last night is one problem. My heart is another.



Sam finally came downstairs, willing to mingle with the family just in time to join us for dinner. Her mood lifted immediately after finding out about my engagement.

Seems my sister is happy I’m taken, or rather, that Lara is taken.

A thought I’m not diving into.

My whole family has been great and beyond supportive. Not that I expected anything less since they’d been the same with Daniel.

I stand propped against the doorframe of the kitchen, watching Charlie and my girl help my mom clean up the dinner mess, unable and unwilling to let Lara out of my sight.

“He’s a good man,” Charlie whispers, her words only just reaching me.

Lara peeks over at me.

“You won’t find anyone as loyal. Once he loves someone, that’s it. He’s never letting go.”

What am I, a fucking retriever?

“The brothers have that in common, that and a few other things. If you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

Lara frowns at her words, not understanding but I do. I give Charlie a look that she needs to behave. She knows better.

My girl knows I’m a killer. She doesn’t need to know the rest. Not before she’s fully bound to me, at least.

Daniel joins me in the doorway. “Go control your wife,” I mutter.

“She’d only enjoy it.”

I turn to him, my mouth open slightly.

Two years later and it still shakes me to my core when my big brother makes a joke.

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