Page 42 of Claim

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“And I’m supposed to believe that your friend will just take a drugged girl home and not hurt her?”



She turns, taking a step in the camp’s direction. That’s not happening. The cops are there, and so are those college kids.

Footsteps start approaching, so we need to move. Gripping her hand, I turn her to me. “No,” I tell hersternly, the modulator making my word that much sharper.

Her hand pulls, slipping from my grip.

She needs more. Twisting her slightly, I bring my hand down on her ass three times in quick succession.

Wide brown eyes stare back at me in disbelief, like she can’t believe I just did that. Funny, me neither.

Our eyes lock, but I refuse to back down first. The footsteps get closer, and finally, Lara blinks quickly.

Biting her lip, she takes my outstretched hand, her shorter legs moving quickly to keep up as I guide her deeper into the woods where no one will pass us trying to rush back to campus.

Once hidden in the forest, our walk turns slow, silent, and comfortable. Maybe the small spanking she got was enough of a reprimand that she now hates me. Not that Lara knows it’s me under the mask.

My heart hammers in my throat when the college campus peeks through the trees. I don’t want my time with her to end. Stepping out of the woods, I keep my hold on her hand as we cross the main road.

The closer we get to the building, the more my resolve is tested. I don’t want to let her go.

But I can’t put it off forever, no matter how slow we walk. At the building entrance, Lara turns to me.

“Thanks for walking me home, big guy. Sorry I gave you trouble.”

I nod, and Lara’s lips twist like she’s debating something. She doesn’t leave me waiting for long. Reaching up, she braces herself on my shoulder. Mywhole body tenses, ready for the pain to hit, only it doesn’t.

Too stunned, I almost miss the way she presses a small, sweet kiss to the side of my mask.

“The whole mask thing is kind of growing on me too.” She rolls her eyes.

“Go straight to bed,” I order.

“Yes, sir.” She grins.

And with those two words, my resolve crumbles. Standing alone in the darkness, I watch as my girl heads inside, turning to give me a small wave.

My girl.

That’s what she is.

My princess.



My breath pants out of me. Arousal pulses through my body, settling between my legs.

Groggy, it takes me a minute to take stock of what woke me. My earmuffs are gone. Music from the party fills the room obnoxiously loud. The downside of living in college dorms? The floor parties.

I must have slept fitfully because I never sleep on my stomach. My eye mask is gone, too.

Jesus, how long has the party been going?

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