Page 19 of Claim

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“That the last one?” I ask Kaleb as he approaches.

“Yeah, Chief and his boys are headed back to base now. Told them I’d drop off some donuts on my way to work in the morning as a thank-you for being patient tonight.”

“Thanks. It’s always good to be in their goodgraces although they seemed to enjoy the show.” I chuckle.

“No problem, they seemed to appreciate the offer. I think.” He frowns. “They were too busy laughing at a police joke Nixon told as soon as I mentioned donuts.”

My brother gives me a little smirk, and together, we head toward my truck.

Kaleb groans next to me. “She took my fucking baby.”

I smother my laugh, but nothing can stop the smile that spreads across my face.

Sam has no idea how much he loves that car . . . or maybe she does. I push those thoughts away quickly. I have refused to think about their relationship for a while, so a little longer won’t hurt. Besides, I don’t have time for that brand of crazy right now.

Instead, I ask, “Do you want me to drop you off at home?”

Kaleb shakes his head. “I need my car for work at seven . . .” He pauses to glance down at his watch. “Which is in an hour and a half. Jesus Christ,” he cusses. “You heading to go get your girl?”

Grabbing the door handle, I glare at him through the truck where he stands on the other side. “I don’t have a girl. And what the fuck was earlier about?”

“What was what about?” he asks, playing dumb.

Climbing behind the wheel, I huff, “Telling Lara I stalk her.”

Kaleb just shrugs. Shrugs!

“Dude, relax. She thought I was joking. Besides, look on the bright side. She didn’t freak out, and now you know she thinks you’re hot.”

“No, she thinks I’m a weirdo. You didn’t see her face when Sam drove off. Poor girl looked like she wanted to cry,” I mutter. Maybe that’s the real reason I was willing to stay and not rush after the girls. Lack of sleep is catching up, and defeat is creeping in.

“Lara’s interested. You just have to put yourself out there,” Kaleb coaxes me, his voice losing his signature playful tone.


I was hoping I could put this conversation off a little longer . . . forever, preferably. Some things you just can’t take back once they’re out there.

We fall into silence. Kaleb is lost in his thoughts while I try to think of the best way to broach the ever-looming subject without him burning the bridge I’m offering.

While our older brother would burn the bridge to protect himself, Kaleb is the kind of man who lights it on fire just to watch it burn.

Once on Ellis Road, I take a deep breath.

“Daniel means the world to me. He literally saved my life.” I glance at Kaleb and find him frowning at me.

“I know.” He nods.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.” Emotion fills me, and I blow out a harsh breath.

Kaleb stays quiet for a moment before whispering, “I know.”

“The shit that went on in that house before the Cromwells took us in . . .” I pause with a shake of my head because, even now, it’s not something I can easily talk about. “Who Daniel is . . . was formed in that house. They made my brother a killer. He needs it, and I need him.”

Kaleb stays quiet. We’ve never really called out what we do before.

“What we do every year, I do for him. Daniel is my brother. I have and would do anything for him.” I make sure to catch Kaleb’s eye. “Anything.”

“I know,” Kaleb whispers again.

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