Page 10 of Claim

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I don’t think; I just move.

My feet carry me through the crowd quickly. I’m not far when the crowd suddenly surges, and she’s squeezed out.

With a loud cry, Lara falls to the ground, face twisted with pain, and I see red. Shoving at the guy closest to her as hard as I can, I force him to fall flat on his back and away from her. The others nearby rush to step away, the group spreading farther back.

Behind me, I vaguely hear the sound of running. Two heavy sets of feet hitting the asphalt remind me my brothers have my back.

Like always.

Safe in that knowledge, I do something I’ve never done before. I turn my back on a threat and crouch down before my girl.

I give her a soft smile. “You okay, baby?”

The ball of messy brown hair at the top of her head swings back and forth as she shakes her head. “No.” She sniffles.

I zone out of the noise behind, trusting my brothers to protect us.

Us.The word makes me warm, like we’re not outside in the middle of winter.

My eyes roam over her quickly, looking for an injury. “What hurts?” I demand. My heart hammers in my throat, and I swallow, trying to shove my panic down.

She’s okay. No blood, no broken bones.

“My ankle,” she whispers.

I nod at the top of her head. “Okay, let me feel,” I tell her, reaching out to take her foot.

“No, no!” Panicked, watery brown eyes plead with me as her hands shield her ankle.

“Baby, you have to let me touch it so I can see what’s wrong.” I try to soothe her.

She shakes her head. “Nuh-uh.” Her face is scrunched in a scowl. I’m not getting anywhere near her injured leg.

“Okay,” I concede, holding up my hands.

Shifting, I rest my knee on the hard ground. The cold seeps in quickly, and my eyes drop to where her robe cushions her. It’s fluffy but thinner than I thought. Not much of a barrier between the cold ground and her ass.

I stroke a finger over one of the small yellow ducks that litter the blue material.

“He’s cute.”

Her smile melts me.

She can’t stay here.

“You have one of two options, princess. You let me look at that ankle, and we can get you sorted quickly, here and now, or we move you over to the car, and you let me look at it there.”

Lara glances behind me, then she leans forward, looking at our cars.

“They’re warmer.” I try to entice her. I’m not sure why I encourage her. Maybe I want her away from the crowd, or maybe I just want her in my truck.

There’s a scuffle behind me, and Daniel’s voice growls, “That is the only warning you’ll get, boy.”

“Warning? I think you broke my fucking nose.” Someone groans. “You’re the rich brothers who own this building. I’m gonna sue. You fucking wait.”

“Sue for what, dipshit? You tried to hit him first so you could get to an injured girl behind us,” Kaleb taunts.

Well, that decides it.

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