Page 19 of The Life Wish

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I tipped my head, not understanding. “Huh?”

Parker met my eyes. “Did you know red was your boy’s favorite color?”

Oh. He was talking about Foster. Straightening in interest because I always loved learning new Foster facts, I said, “No. Is it really?”

“Yep.” Pulling a phone from his pocket, he ignored me for a moment before he pressed the device to his ear as if he’d just called someone. “How would you like me to do you a solid, Red?” he asked before returning his attention to the phone. “Yo, man. Where the fuck are you?”

I watched, wondering what in the world was happening as he waited a beat and then pulled his face into a grimace. “Why the hell are youthere? You’re supposed to be here.”

Barely able to hear someone talking on the other end of the line, I squinted and leaned close as Parker listened to his caller’s response and then nodded. A second later, his attention shifted to me.

“In that case, drop me a pin. I’m going to send a present your way.” He laughed. “No. It’s not a bottle of whiskey.” Skimming his gaze down my body, he said, “You’re gonna like this so much more, bro. Trust me.”

I looked down at myself and then up at him with a suspicious narrowing of my eyes.

“Alright, man,” he was saying. “Take care.”

“Did you…?” I pointed. “Was that just…?”

“You didn’t drive here tonight, did you?” Parker asked, still tapping buttons on the screen of his phone.

“No. Why?”

“Good. ’Cause you’re way too plastered to get behind a wheel right now.” Tucking his phone away, he lifted his brows at me. “So I just called you a ride.”

I shook my head, growing more confused by the second. “What?”

He heaved out an impatient breath. “You came here tonight hoping to run into Union, right?”

I winced, hating how transparent I was. “Kind of.”

“Right.” Parker nodded. “So I found him for you. And now… I have a car showing up in about two minutes to take you to him. You’re welcome.”

“But.” I shook my head. “Why in the world would you do that for me?” The gesture was too nice. This guy was confusing me. He could go from nice to rude and back again in three seconds flat. It made my head hurt.

He shrugged. “To be honest, I wasn’t really doing it for you.” Taking me in once again from head to toe, he nodded to himself. “I just think you’re exactly what he needs.”

I swallowed, thunderstruck by that notion. “Really?”

When he nodded, I felt my face flame with pleasure. But Parker only snapped his fingers. “So chop-chop, Cinderella. Your pumpkin will be here soon.”

“Oh! But—” I shook my head. “My sister. I can’t just abandon her. She’s only in town for a few days, visiting me.”

“Ah, Jesus,” he groaned in irritation. “Fine.” Yanking his phone from his pocket again, he muttered, “I’ll call Keene and hurry his ass up.”

My mouth opened as he began to dial again. When he pressed the phone back to his ear, I pointed. “But—how did you know she was with Keene? I don’t remember saying his name.”

He sliced a severe glance my way. “The horny asshole description gave it away. Yo,” he answered. “You about done yet? Your chick’s sister needs her back now. Yeah. Yes.No. What? Dude. Just send her back out to the front door.God, it’s not that difficult.” He hung up with a roll of his eyes. When he found me gaping at him with my mouth fallen open, he said, “What?”

“I…” I shook my head. “I can’t believe you just did that. I mean, what if they were, like—you know—in the middle of stuff?”

One of his eyebrows arched. “Trust me, darlin’, he wouldn’t have answered if they were still in themiddleof stuff.” Then he hitched his head toward the stairs. “Come on. I’ll walk you out to where your sister will meet you in a minute.”

In a daze, I followed him down the steps and through the front room. But instead of letting him leave me alone on the porch, I threw my arms around his waist and gave him a big, grateful hug.

“Thank you. Thank you so much. I’ll name our firstborn after you, I swear.”

“Yeah, well…” He lifted his arms and refrained from hugging me back as he grumpily answered, “You better.”

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