Page 28 of Tender Temptation

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“Maybe. Full disclosure, she’s a lot younger than me.” I flick my eyes to the menu.

Brennan leans back in his chair. “Don’t tell me you’ve robbed the cradle, she’s not still in high school, is she? There are laws.”

I wince at Brennan’s comment. Connor’s wife, Ronni was exploited in Hollywood as a teenager, it’s a sensitive matter in our family. Sure, Ivylooksyoung, but it’s only eight years. She’s an old soul.

“Fuck off. You shouldn’t even say something like that out loud.” I shake my head, pissed. “Twenty-four is not jailbait.”

Connor’s tone is soft as he covers for our younger brother. “It was supposedto be a joke.”

“I was out of line, sorry Kill. Sorry Connor.” Brennan hangs his head. His mind works a million miles a minute, we’re all used to him speaking before he thinks.

Connor waves him off. “Yer alright. Let’s focus on Dad’s birthday, aye?

The three of us dive into details. We plan to invite a few people here at the restaurant and that’s about as far as we get. Well, I guess we have a general idea of the guest list, but it’s clear none of us are party planners. Brennan offers to reach out to Stevie Hayes, Padraig’s and Liam’s childhood friend who owns a thriving party-planning business.

Our chatter drifts to Da, unearthing memories filled with sawdust, sweat, and the strict discipline of our youth.

“Say what you will but, in my opinion, Da’s work ethic shaped us into the men we are today.” I’m on my third whiskey and don’t bother to tamp down my unpopular point of view.

“Your perspective is skewed,” Connor scoffs. “You were a kid.”

“Nah, I think you carry resentment,” I fire back. “I knew what I wanted at fifteen. You refused to believe me because you hated it so much.”

Connor strokes his beard. “I never knew whether you genuinely loved it or wanted to impress Da.”

My mind drifts back to long days on jobsites as a boy with the smell of fresh timber and the sound of nail guns echoing around us. “Oh, I love it. Always did. Still do. The building, the creating. My favorite childhood memories are of helping Da.”

“I hated every minute of it, too.” Brennan shakes his head. “Physical labor isn’t my thing. It felt like endless torture. But, you’re right. I guess it taught us a lot about hard work and responsibility.”

Connor sighs, his expression hard to read. “I’m probably not the one to talk about this. It’s no secret I resented Da for years. I’m guessing you guys never knew how bad it got before I took over. One night I came home to find Ma in tears because he’d withdraw ten grand to stake one of his illegal poker games. It got to the point where, at least once per week, I’d be up all night scouring the worst neighborhoods and the seediest places only to fight like hell to drag him home. The next day, I’d wake up and be back on the jobsite.”

“Jesus, Connor.” Brennan’s eyes widen in horror. “We all knew things were rough, but shit. You really took the brunt of it, didn’t you?”

Brennan and Connor go back and forth discussing Da’s downfall, recalling nights of violent, drunken outbursts and several incidents where the family nearly lost everything due to his gambling addiction.

They don’t know it, but I’ve had many conversations with Da about these worst years of his life. He’s confided in me about how much those times haunt him and the shame he feels for the chaos he brought into our lives. He’s come through it all—and is healthier than he’s been in years. Even after recovering from a near-fatal stroke not that long ago.

In listening to my brothers, though, I realize my relationship with him has strengthened over the years. We’re together a lot, with time for open discussions and a shared interest in McGloughlin Construction.

Clearly, Da still has a long way to go with my older brothers, particularly Connor, who hasn’t fully forgiven him. Understandably.

Connor puffs out a breath. “Ma almost packed up to go back to Ireland. She was close to moving all of you.”

“Seriously? I didn’t know she considered leaving.” Brennan looks between us. “Losing Ma would’ve torn Da apart. I doubt he’d have ever recovered.”

“Yeah.” I feel the need to bridge the gap of our varied experiences. “I remember her talking about needing a fresh start, away from all the memories and the mess. But she stayed, for us and for Da. We all owe her a lot for holding things together.”

Connor nods slowly. “Aye. I never really understood why Ma put up with him. Then Ronni stood by me during mywhole deep fake mess. Having a good woman at your side, someone to stick with you through the storms. Hell, it changes everything.”

His acknowledgment of Ronni’s support resonates, stirring a feeling I can’t quite pinpoint. I find myself thinking of Ivy waiting for me at my loft. I can almost smell her fresh, citrusy scent. Feel her small hand stroking my stubble. Her soft lips against mine.

I’ve grown accustomed to her vibrant presence and the undeniable connection we share. Is she the one who’ll stand by me through anything? Would I do the same for her?

The thought both excites and terrifies me as I consider our burgeoning relationship.

Speaking of which, I glance at my watch and am surprised to see it’s nearly ten p.m. Time to go home and make love to my girl. “Let’s settle up, I’ve got an early start.”

“No worries, I’ve got this one.” Brennan pulls out his wallet, flashing a knowing grin at Connor. “Go on and get your ‘early start’ with the mystery blonde We all know what that means.”

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