Page 27 of Tender Temptation

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Dr. Martin glances at her wrist. “Well, it seems like if you don’t want to risk losing a man who means the world to you,it might be time for a discussion. Now, I hate to do this, but we have about five minutes.”

“Okay, one final question. How should I start the conversation?” I already feel stressed.

“I’d choose a quiet, private time. You should both be relaxed, but I’d avoid having the talk after you’ve been intimate. Don’t confuse the two. Start by reaffirming your feelings for him and describe what the genuine parts of your relationship mean to you.” She scribbles something on her notepad. “Then, once you feel the moment is right, share your truth. Be clear, direct, and prepared for any response. Remember, Cillian isn’t your father—he probably won’t react with anger. Revealing your age and sexual experience should be about reinforcing your trust in him and a commitment to honesty in your relationship moving forward.”

“Thank you.” A sense of resolve builds within me. “I can’t do it until I rehearse a bit. I’ll be ready soon. At the very least, I have to be honest with him before I leave for school.”

“Try not to wait too long.” Dr. Martin’s voice is kind. “You’ve been carrying a heavy burden, Ivy. Your relationship with Cillian—I’m glad you’ve found someone special. Remember, —it’s best to remove obstacles before they become too big to overcome.”

Nodding, I feel the corners of my mouth lift slightly at the thought of him. “Yes, he’s the only person in my life who seesme for me. Not the Ivy Bright who’s supposed to take over Bright Shipping or the tragedy-touched girl whose brother died on her birthday. Cillian has become my everything. I owe him the truth.”

Hanging up with Dr. Martin, I head upstairs to take a shower and get ready to meet Cillian later. He gave me a key to his loft and I bought a new sexy bra and panty set to surprise him.

Facing him and confessing will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s necessary.

I owe it to him. I owe it to myself.

For the woman I am now. For the woman I hope to become.

Cillian deserves the truth.



The Same Night

God knows, I lovea surprise.

Looks like I’m in for one later, a text came in from Ivy.

Ivy:Wrapped up in something sinful at your loft…no rush. You’re in for a treat later. ;)*

The woman’s made a home in my heart. I admire the way she barrels through life with a spark lighting upeverything around her. She’s sharp.Reallysharp. Her wit keeps me on my toes, there’s never a dull moment. And, holy fucking shit, there’s the way we click. We have some kind of wild chemistry I’ve never felt before.

Being with her is both a comfort and an adrenaline rush. She’s got me hooked, always wanting more. I finally get what all the sappy love songs are about. I’ve stopped worrying about our age difference. It doesn’t matter. Ivy is special.

I’m keeping her around for as long as she’ll have me.

“Kill, are you actually smiling?” Connor, who has his own gruff tendencies, nudges me.

I’m at Daniel’s Broiler at Leschi with my brothers, Connor and Brennan. We’re here to feast on a thick steak and start plans for our own grand surprise— a party for our father Rory’s 60th birthday later this year.

I try to play it cool and shrug. “Thinking about work.” I know a smirk has unwittingly spread across my face and betrays my attempt at nonchalance.

Connor and Brennan exchange a glance. Neither are fooled for a second.

A knowing grin spreads across Brennan’s face. “Don’t try to hide it, brother. I saw the hot blonde duck into your office last week. Carries herself like she owns the place. Doesn’t take her eyes off you. Sound familiar?” He winks and takes a sip of his cocktail.

“Yeah. I’m seeing someone. Sue me.” I raise my glass of whiskey in a toast. “Let’s get down to business.”

Connor claps me on the shoulder. “Hey, if she makes you half as happy as Ronni makes me, then I’m all for it. Who is she?”

“Her name’s Ivy Davies.” I pause for a second, realizing I don’t have many specifics about her past to share. “We met at Kells. It’s only been a few weeks, but I dig her.”

Brennan rolls his eyes. “Another McGloughlin down. Next thing you know, she’ll be at family dinner.”

Funnily enough, I don’t hate the idea. Other than our obvious age difference, she’s perfect. My folks will love her.

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