Page 66 of Timeless: Encore

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“Just finish the story, Zaney.” I don’t want to argue the point, I just want to get all of the shit on the table.

“Ty lost his mind. He attacked Carter like a wild animal. I had to fight him. I hurt him bad. He quit the band. Said horrible things to the guys. He’s in jail.” Zane sounds so lost. “God, he’s my brother, Fee.”

“Unbelievable. Let me close up, babe. I’ll meet you at the hospital. Where did they take him?” I pinch my nose between my finger and thumb.

An unmistakable hospital beeping sound is in the background. “You can’t. Lianne’s here. Only two of us are allowed in. I’m sorry, Fee …”

Thank God.

“Zane, I love you, babe. If you’ve got your mom there, I feel better. My entire staff is here. The band is probably next door. Don’t worry, I’ll deal with all of this. Focus on your family.” The weight of the evening is beginning to press down on me in a way that is suffocating. I just want to climb into bed. Pull up the covers. Sleep for a year.

The best I can do is curl up on this couch. Shut my eyes.

I feel someone sit next to me. Gentle hands slip off my hat, which I didn’t realize I was still wearing. Soft fingers brush stray hairs from my face. Ronni’s soft, soothing voice is like a balm to my soul. “I know you’re not okay.”

“I’m trying not to make this whole thing about me, but fuck, Ronni. Whenever I think my life’s finally on track, the rug’s pulled out from under me. It’s hard to keep fighting.” I sit and collapse against the cushion. “I’m trying not to feel sorry for myself, but there’s a nugget of rage bubbling inside me. Why tonight? Why? I called the food critics to tell them we weren’t opening. Based on the reaction I got, it’s unlikely they’ll give me another chance.”

Ronni shifts so she’s sitting across from me sideways. “This is just as much your loss as Zane’s, babe.”

“I know, it’s not that. It’s everything. Zane texted me from the hospital. I’m sure Connor told you, but Carter had a heart attack.” A fresh wave of grief washes over me. I can’t help it, I start crying again. Ronni holds me against her. My God, I’ve never lost it so completely the way I have tonight.

Ronni’s voice is strong. “Carter will be fine. You’ll reopen. The band will work it out.”

God. She has no idea. “Zane needs me, but they won’t let anyone else in Carter’s room. He’s just wrecked. It’s like déjà vu.” I find myself telling Ronni all about the day Zane and I found Carter in the park. As if that has some sort of relevance to what is happening. Or does it? All I know is my world is in upheaval. “I just don’t know if I have the stamina to do this again from scratch. I put every ounce of myself into tonight.”

“Just take some time.” Ronni’s compassion triggers something in me. She’s in the middle of a terrible lawsuit. Fielding horrible international press. Yet, here she sits with me. Comforting me.

I grab her hand. “Shit. Ronni. I’m a bad friend. I haven’t even asked you about all of what you’re going through.”

“Oh, it’s all legal bullshit.” She waves me off.

I can’t let her do that. As women, we always stuff our own feelings down. “Uh. No. Try again.”

“I’ve been asked to step down from the movie I was producing for Finnegan O’Rourke.” Ronni’s voice falters. “I’m beginning to wonder if all the work I did to bring these bastards down was worth it.”

Shit. We’re in the same goddamn boat.

“I never thought about how the allegations would affect your work.” It makes me feel somewhat normal knowing that I’m not the only one going through a huge pile of shit. Maybe we can help each other get through it. “Are people truly believing it?”

Ronni laughs. “Youhavebeen in the dark. Yeah. The tide of public opinion is most definitely moving against me. Kircher has social media bots trolling me. Spewing out trending hashtags. It’s a lot.”

“You seem so poised. How are you getting through this?” I’m in awe of her, she’s so—Fonzie.

Ronni’s face lights up. “Connor.”

Holy shit. Yes. I have to call Zane back. I hate how I left things. “Zane’s always been my person, you know? Do you mind if I go call him? I should check how Carter’s doing.”

“Don’t ask a second time. Go.” She shoos me away.

I turn back. “Go get everyone, we have a shit-ton of food here. I don’t want it to go to waste.”

What a total fucking whirlwind.

I’ve experiencedallthe emotions today.

It’s not over yet.

I might as well feed people while I wait for the other shoe to drop.

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