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‘I can when discretion is required,’ I said with a note of warning in my voice.

‘I am thesoul of discretion,’ she promised. ‘I am discreet, like an owl.’

‘And as wise as one, too?’

She grinned. ‘That hadn’t crossed my mind, but now that you mention it…’ She winked.

‘If you’re so wise,’ I started, ‘then tell me a way I can pinpoint a date in history roughly two centuries ago.’

She blinked. ‘I’d look in a journal first, or ask someone who was around at the time.’

‘Nina doesn’t pay attention to the days and months.’

‘She may not, but there are plenty of immortal creatures around. Like your grandfather.’

I gave a solid face palm. She was right: Grandy might know. I pulled out my phone and dialled his number. ‘What?’ he asked bluntly. Gone was the quiet affection of earlier.

‘Do you know the date when the werewolves lost their air magic?’

He sighed. ‘Do you know the date of the Great Fire of London?’

‘Um, 1666?’

‘What day, what month?’

‘I don’t know but I can Google it. Why? How does that correlate with our date?’

‘It doesn’t. The point is that with the passage of time it is hard to remember what I did last week, let alone what happened a century or two ago and on what day in what month.’

I grimaced as I accepted his point. I could waste several days calling all the ancient creatures that I knew but the chances were that none of them would remember. My best bet was finding the date recorded somewhere.

Grandy sighed. ‘Queen Victoria was newly on her throne – 1840, something like that, give or take five years. The werewolves lost their air magic round about the time I was turned into a vampyr. I was new, anyway.’

‘So you must know the time because it must have happened just after the last time we went back in time,’ I said excitedly.

There was a long moment of silence before he finally agreed. ‘Yes, I remember your return.’

I bounced up and down on my toes. ‘So when was it?’

‘I have no idea,’ he admitted. ‘When I took you back on that first occasion, I simply told the portal to take me back to the day I was turned and it did so. I didn’t need to use a date because I tied it to an important part of my personal history. I’m sorry, I can’t help you.’

‘Damn. Thanks, anyway. You don’t happen to journal, do you?’

He snorted. ‘I do not. Night, Luci.’ His voice was a shade warmer before he hung up.

‘Night,’ I said to the disconnect tone.

Once again, I couldn’t help feeling that I was stuck at square one – or worse, I was sliding down a snake whilst my opponents were climbing a ladder.

Chapter 11

It was late and I was disheartened, so I wasn’t in the mood to chat when Thomas Elliott darkened my door holding two glasses of champagne. Liam was at the security console in my office and Greg was nowhere to be seen. He must be running patrol, I thought inanely.

I’d declared that I was looking for a mate and Elliott had danced with me at my coronation ball. As he looked at me now, his eyes were warm and interested; if I hadn’t already been head over heels in love with Greg, I might have been interested, too. Instead it took real effort to muster a welcoming smile for the handsome man.

‘Come in, Alpha Elliott,’ I said. ‘I’m sorry that other business took me off site earlier on.’

‘Not a problem, Lucy,’ he responded, though he looked curious.

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