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The ‘Lucy’ grated. I had spent a fair amount of time insisting to my pack that they should call me Lucy ratherthan Alpha, and most of them ignored me. I was getting used to Alpha and even Queen, but Elliott hadn’t earned the familiarity that allowed him to call me by my given name.

My smile became distinctly strained. He must have noticed because he hastily dropped to one knee. ‘My Queen,’ he corrected himself.

I was tempted to leave him kneeling but I didn’t want to become like Rain and Isaacs and the other alpha holes, so I gestured for him to get up.

He did so, then held out one of the flutes of champagne. I took it and delicately sniffed the contents. It smelt normal but I had no doubt that potions could be clear, colourless and scentless so I held it loosely in hand and didn’t sip it.

Elliott turned, looked pointedly at Liam and then back at me. He wanted privacy. Well, too bad; I wanted a chaperone. ‘Take a seat,’ I said firmly. ‘What brings you here without an invitation?’

He winced. ‘Lucy, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot and that was not my intention at all.’ He looked at me with eager blue eyes. ‘I was hoping to have an opportunity to court you. I couldn’t help but feel there was something between us when we danced at my ancestral home, and I wanted to further explore that. Will youallow me that courtesy?’

It felt churlish in the extreme to say no – not to mention dangerous. Elliott was an alpha werewolf and I’d literally stolen the seat of power from his lands. He needed to save face and maybe dating me would allow that. Besides, to my knowledge he hadn’t challenged anyone else of late, so if he wanted to he could legally challenge me.

We could take him,Esme said confidently.

You think that about everyone,I said, amused.

Because it is true,she huffed.We are a mighty warrior. One day you will accept it.

We couldn’t take Bastion.

We could. He is weak. The curse on him drains him significantly. If it isn’t lifted soon…She trailed off but I didn’t need her to finish the sentence. If the curse wasn’t lifted soon, Bastion would die. If he continued to be stubborn, then I’d approach Amber myself about healing him; she wouldn’t like it but sheprobablywouldn’t curse me.

With an effort, I put my concern for Bastion aside. I looked at Elliott, who was staring at me with pleading eyes. I couldn’t for the life of me remember what he’d asked me.

He wants to know if he can date to mate us,Esme reminded me.

Ugh. That. I didn’t have enough allies to alienate him, not yet, so I managed a smile. ‘Sure. Perhaps we can take a walk together.Tomorrow.’ I loved to make things Future Lucy’s problem, right up until Future Lucy became Present Lucy and then I cursed my procrastinating arse.

He beamed. ‘I’d love to go for a walk with you.’ He raised his glass to me in a clear invitation to make a toast and I leaned forward a little to clink our glasses. Then I set mine down without drinking from it and a small frown crossed his face. It was there and gone in a blink.

‘Well,’ he said tightly, ‘it’s late. I’ll leave you to deal with your affairs. But Lucy, I look forward to that walk.’

I didn’t have it in me to lie at that moment so I gave him a vague smile. He bowed as he took his leave. When I looked up, Liam’s shoulders were tense. ‘What’s up, Liam?’

‘Nothing,’ he replied shortly.

‘Come on, talk to me. What’s bothering you?’

He turned around abruptly, spinning in his chair. ‘You should be mating with Manners. We all know it. Why are you entertaining that twat?’

‘That twat is an alpha,’ I said levelly.

‘So he’s better than Manners?’ Liam spat.

‘Not even a little bit – but I’m still in a precarious position. I need to build my allies. I can’t afford to make more enemies. Rain is already circling.’

‘Fuck him. We’ll kill him when he comes,’ Liam snarled. ‘But you’re hurting Manners. We can all see it. Why won’t you ask him to mate?’

‘Why won’t he askme?’I threw back, finally voicing the dark thought that had been bothering me for weeks. Why hadn’t he raised the topic with me? Not once?

Liam blinked. ‘You’rethe alpha – it is up to you to raise it. He is the beta. Tradition dictates he must wait foryouto askhim. Tristan made sure he was clear on that point.’

I pinched the bridge of my nose and stifled the frustrated scream that wanted to erupt out of me. ‘And no one thought to tellmethat?’

‘Well, we thought Esme would clarify it.’

ESME!I shrieked.Why didn’t you tell me it was up to ME to make the first move?

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