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“That’s really old. My daddy’s twenty-seven, but he feels like fifty. Can you read to me? I can’t read yet, but Marta was teaching me until she had to leave.”

He struggled to hold up his book.

“Maybe later. Would that be okay?”

“Sure,” he said, shrugging, then climbing up onto the sofa next to me.

“Was Marta your nanny?”

He nodded, and his whole body rocked with each nod. “She didn’t like it when I screamed, and I scream a lot.”


He shrugged again. “It tickles.”

“All the time or just some of the time?”

He thought about that for a couple beats, then let out a blood-curdling scream that shocked me and just about pierced my eardrums. Still, I didn’t move or flinch. When he finished, I asked, “Did it tickle that time?”

He nodded. “Yeah, in my cheeks. My daddy always comes when I scream.”

Sure enough, Boone Rivera hurried into the room, Western shirt unbuttoned, no shoes, hair still wet from the shower, and a frantic look on his face.

So, Boone had a son. That would account for what Austin had said of ‘the kids,’ last night, and what Kasey said this morning about the ‘dads.’

Boone came right over to Hank, went down on one knee, and looked him straight in those big blue eyes as he ran his hands over his son’s shoulders, and arms. “Hank, are you all right, buddy? What happened?”

“He was demonstrating how his dad always comes when he screams,” I told him, trying to sound completely in control of the situation.

So far, my showing up early had been a delightful sexy treat this morning. Two ripped and buffed chests in a row were enough to make me rethink my promise to myself about no sex. This would be a true challenge.

“Of course, I do, but you don’t have to scream to get me here,” Boone said, looking directly at Hank.

“I like to. It tickles when I scream,” Hank said, smirking. He looked so adorable when he smiled, I could see how this child could get anything he wanted.

“That may be true, but it’s not the only way to call me,” Boone told him.

“But I like it this way.”

“Okay. Okay. Whatever you like, buddy, as long as you’re okay.”

I had to hold back from telling Boone that he was setting a horrible precedent with his son by allowing him to scream like that, but I wanted the job first before I set down ground rules.

“Is this lady my new nanny?”

Boone stood and glanced over at me. By now, I was also standing.

“I don’t know who this lady is, Hank, but I’m sure she’s going to tell us.” Being this close to Boone Rivera was a true thrill. He smelled clean and fresh from just stepping out of the shower. From what I could see of his gorgeous chest, as he now tried to cover up by buttoning his form-fitting, blue-checkered shirt, he was even more buffed than Kasey. “Who are you?”

Did these guys seriously have to look this good so early in the morning?

I couldn’t speak for a moment, feeling a little awkward. Instead, I opened my tote, pulled out my resumé, and held it out for him. I’d slipped into a plastic sleeve at home so it wouldn’t get torn up in my tote. I liked to come across as professional as possible.

He briefly checked out my resumé. “Liberty,you’re here for the nanny position?”

“I am,” I forced out, getting control over my wandering emotions.

“Interesting name. Distant family member?”

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