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I couldn’t take my eyes off Liberty as she came closer, which probably influenced my quick response. “That’s okay. I’ll do a tour, but maybe afterwards, if you want to add anything about meal times or bed times, that might work.”

I finally swung around to face Loraine. “Sure… say in about an hour? Will that be long enough for you, or do you need more time?”

Loraine was a good-looking woman in her mid-fifties. She prided herself on always looking professional, staying trim, and eating healthy. Loraine had shoulder-length black hair, exquisite gray eyes, and a friendly smile. Ever since she came to work for us and ran our house, we stopped eating crap and worked out four days a week. Even the kids had a workout regime. They looked at it as playtime with Loraine, but we all knew their daily hour of running, jumping, and climbing was their physical workout.

“That should be fine, but if it takes longer, I’ll text you,” I told her, knowing damn well I shouldn’t be alone with Liberty, not with how much she got under my skin by just being around her.

“Sounds good. I’ve got a couple calls to make anyway, and it might take me a bit, so that should work. When will the kids be back? I want to be sure I have a snack ready before our new nanny tries to put them down for a nap.”

Loraine also did most of the cooking, especially for the kids. Boone liked to cook, so on most nights, he made dinner, but during the day and on weekends, Loraine took care of our meals.

“A little less than two hours.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for your text, then. “

She took off to make her phone calls from her office at the front of the house. We called it her command center because whenever we needed Loraine, we could always find her in her office.

As soon as Liberty came closer to the house, I swung open the back door on the kitchen to welcome her.

“You were right about it being beautiful out here. This is amazing,” she said as she came closer.

“You can use it anytime you want. Can I get you anything to drink before I show you the rest of the house?”

She held up a bottle of water. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

I closed the door behind her and began the tour, showing her the playroom, the media room, the library or reading room, living room, formal dining room, and Loraine’s command center. We briefly toured the area of the house where we wrote and recorded our music, and then somehow went upstairs to the bedrooms.

She absolutely needed to see where the kids slept, but she certainly didn’t need to know anything about the other bedrooms, especially mine.

“Wow,” she said as she entered my private quarters. “This room is amazing.”

Not only did I have a bedroom, but I also had a sitting area and a desk with my laptop. Of course, all the bathrooms were attached to the suites, along with large walk-in closets.

“Thanks, but I haven’t shown you the guest rooms yet,” I said, second guessing this little detour.

“So, is it as good as mine?” she asked.

“Is what as good as yours?”

“The bed?”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my entire body.

“I don’t know. Maybe we should try it out first.”

She grabbed my hand then, and we took off for the bed, then leapt right into the middle of it, landing on our stomachs, laughing.

“Definitely not as much spring as yours,” I told her, while still holding her hand, our faces smooshed down on the bed.

“Not at all. Mine is much comfier,” she said, letting go of my hand, then pressing down on the bed. “You should immediately get a new mattress.”

“Immediately,” I said, sliding in a bit closer to her.

“Would Loraine do the ordering?” she asked, also sliding in closer.

“Loraine runs the house, so yes. She would be in charge of that,” I told her, sliding in so close I could feel her heat. “We should probably finish the tour.”

Dang, but she smelled good.

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