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“As ready as we can be,” I answered, still hopeful that she’d show up.

We collectively pulled ourselves together and followed Bobby and Mrs. N as they led the way.

“We’re going to be fine,” Mrs. N said, turning back for a moment, then grinning. She looked amazing in her bright-red shirt, and her short, silver hair completely spiked out. I had no idea how old she was, but tonight, with her hair like that, and some heavy stage makeup, she looked like a member of the band… no age required.

“Fine isn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Luke mumbled, as he walked beside me. “I thought we’d be amazing.”

“Better than a kick in the teeth,” she told him.

“Now you’ve got it right. A kick in the teeth. That’s exactly how it feels,” Rascal said, loud enough so she could hear him.

As we came closer to the stage entrance, and once we were moving up the short staircase, the sounds from the excited audience already brewed from the crowd in front. I couldn’t make out who was speaking on stage or what was being said, but whatever it was, whistles and shouts echoed through the dance hall, and back to us, causing my skin to prickle.

“More like a kick in the balls,” Luke whispered.

I tried to ignore them; instead, I wanted to get myself psyched up for the performance. No matter what happened, this one set deserved my best, like I always did whenever I was onstage. This was no different from any other performance I’d been in, and I intended to treat it as such, despite Connie’s absence… which I still believed wouldn’t happen. I still believed she’d show up.

Now, even more than before.

“Look, I just want to say,” I began. “That no matter what happens tonight, we’re not abandoning her this time. She had her reasons for running, and this time, I want to hear what they are and try to help her work through them. Besides, this is what we want. We want to be on that stage out there. Making country music is in our blood, and no matter what else, we need to honor that, and each other. So, make this the best performance of our lifetimes. We’ve got it in us. Now let’s kill it!”

My enthusiasm immediately went up to a crazy high level when both the guys and Mrs. N all cheered and whistled, their voices joining the excitement that was already exploding on the other side of the black curtains that shielded us from the stage.

Bobby pulled back the curtain so we could step onstage. The bright lights immediately blinded me for a moment. Then, as we all walked out, and the audience greeted us with applause, cheers, and whistles, I spotted Connie… our Connie… standing in front of the center mic, wearing that damn adorable cowboy hat she’d worn at the ranch, when she was naked, and we’d spent the entire day having sex anywhere and any way we damn well pleased.

I couldn’t help the rush of heat that went right to my groin.

Damn, this woman turned me on like nothing else.

Did I mention that my heart melted right there, and my eyes watered?

My legs felt like mush as I walked over to my spot onstage, and it took everything I had in me not to pull her into my arms and thank her for returning.

“Everybody, please give it up for the rest of my band, Hot Sugar!” she yelled, and the place went nuts.

I was a mixture of emotions then. Nervous over the pending performance, angry that she left, but so fucking happy that she returned. I couldn’t help myself when I picked her up and gave her a quick twirl, then kissed her cheek.

“I knew you’d come back,” I whispered against her ear.

“I’m in love with you… with all three of you,” she said, smiling and turning away from the mic. “I’m truly sorry, but I just had to find my North Star, and once I did, it brought me right back here.”

Rascal hugged her then, and Luke took her hand in his for a moment, then let go and settled behind his drums, grinning so wide, I thought his cheeks might crack.

More applause, and cheers went up. Without missing a beat, we brought the house down with our version of Carrie Underwood’s duet with Jasen Alden,If I Didn’t Love You.We all joined in singing Jason’s parts, but Rascal took the lead, of course.I could tell the words took on a special meaning for each of usfrom the looks we each gave her.

Fuck if it didn’t take everything I had to keep from balling right there on the stage.

For the first time since we started singing this cover song, I realized just how close we’d gotten to throwing it all away, but instead, Connie finally faced down whatever demons she had and was now doing what she was born to do… what we were all born to do… perform.

When that song ended, and the applause died down, Connie took the mic. The dance hall looked as if it had reached capacity as several hundred smiling faces looked our way. It was both intimidating and intoxicating to see, and to know they were all there for us.

What the fuck!

“I just want to thank you folks for being here tonight… on Dirty Coyote’s opening night!” Applause rocked the room. “I take it that means you’re liking it.”

More applause and whistles.

“Good. That’s good. You should know, I almost didn’t make it here on this stage tonight, but because of this fine group of people standing behind me…” More applause and whistles. “And my best friend in the whole world, who’s out in the audience tonight, along with my friends from Cricket!” Connie cheered then, and of course, more applause. “I found my way back to this stage. But most of all, I want to thank Sweet Whiskey’s own Dusty Lasater who saw more in me than I did.” The audience erupted yet again. “We all need someone like that in our lives. It’s important. Real important. So, thanks everyone for listening to me. I want to dedicate this next song, an original song, not only to Dusty, but to the three men in my life, Rascal, Luke, and Josh who I love with all my heart, and without them, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. It’s called Guts and Glitter, and I hope you like it”

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