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“I tried to warn you,” I told him. “Tried to tell you that we don’t have much room in here, but you were all in such a hurry.”

“We’re guys,” Josh said. “If you’re willing, we’ll do it anywhere, anytime. It’s part of our DNA.”

Luke had moved off the bottom of the bed, and Josh was sprawled out next to me, as we spoke to Rascal. We were going for our own version of a reverse cowgirl and obviously, it didn’t work out. Especially when I’d bumped into Rascal who had been trying to help me down onto Josh, when I’d moved up way too fast, which caused Rascal to lose his balance and slide off the bed, backwards.

“This bed, and this room, your entire apartment for that matter, is too damn small for the four of us,” Luke said, while holding onto his still-erect dick as if he might be protecting it from flailing body parts. Rascal, of course, had lost his erection completely, but even now, that thing was a monster cock. Talk about a well-hung man.


“I’m wedged. I’m completely wedged in,” he said. “And I can’t fucking get up. This is crazy!”

“We’ll have to move the bed,” I told him. “Although, I should warn you guys, it’s like really heavy, and old… really old.”

“Just do it; my back isn’t all too happy. These fancy knobs on your dresser aren’t very comfortable, and one of them is stabbing me.”

“No problem. We’ll have you out of there in no time,” Luke told him, sounding as if he already knew it would be an easy task, and perhaps it would be.

At least I hoped it would.

Josh and I crawled off the bed. I slipped on a robe, while both Luke and Josh pulled on their jeans. This called for focus and concentration, which wouldn’t happen if we were naked.

Within moments, Luke and Josh grabbed the frame at the bottom of the bed, which just happened to be an antique four-poster.

And as soon as they nudged it, there was a loud crack and before any of us could react, the leg snapped off, the mattress shifted, and the entire bed slid sideways in Rascal’s direction, trapping him in even tighter.

“Fucking hell!” he roared. “What the fuck?”

“This is totally fucked,” Luke snarled. “The bed just fell apart. What the hell, Connie?”

“I told you, it’s old. I don’t think it’s used to all this activity… and weight,” I said, hoping that nothing else would shift in Rascal’s direction.

“Don’t worry. We’ve got this,” Josh said, but it was too late. From the look on Rascal’s face, we all knew that if he hadn’t been trapped before, he most certainly was now.

“Okay. Okay. I can see now this whole sex thing in this apartment, on this bed, wasn’t a good idea,” I said. “I should’ve been more persuasive.”

“Ya think?” Rascal asked, looking totally helpless.

It started with a smirk and a chuckle from Josh, then Luke joined in, and after a moment, I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of seeing big, six-foot-something Rascal bent up like a crispy taco shell, ready to snap at any moment. And when he joined in on the laughter, I knew we’d get through this fiasco just fine.

When we finally regained control, Rascal said, “Okay, yes, this is so over-the-top insane that even I can see the humor, but fuck, we’ve got to find a way to get me out of this position. My balls hurt, and my feet are tingling, and neither of those things are happening in a good, sexy way. Then there’s that fucking drawer knob still stabbing me in the back. What the fuck! Get me out of here.”

He grunted then and tried with everything in him to move, but no matter what he did, the man was wedged in tight.

“Should we call the fire department to get him out of there?” Josh asked Luke, sounding concerned now.

“No. We can do this,” Luke answered. “We probably need a little more help. Maybe if we all try to move it. You too, Connie.”

He looked at me this time. “Sure. I can help. I might be little, but I’m strong.”

“I think this pretty much means our fun night is over,” Josh said.

“Oh, give it a rest,” Rascal ordered. “And let’s concentrate on getting me the fuck out of here.”

“I was just making an observation.”

“Is that what that was?” Luke asked, grinning.

“Fine,” Josh said. “Let’s get this done.”

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