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I would miss her pies and her always positive disposition. She was like a ray of sunshine whenever she came into a room. And her daughter Oliva had the same effect.

“Nope. Not going to happen,” Josh said, stunning us all. We’d been discussing this on and off through the entire meal, which was almost over, and this was the first time Josh had decided to speak up. “I’m not promising any such thing. And what made you think this abstinence idea would go over with us?”

I’d told them that I thought we shouldn’t mix sex with our professional band, and so far, they didn’t seem too keen on the idea.

“Well, what if something negative happened in one or the other part of our lives. Then what?” I asked, trying to be reasonable, while lusting over each one of them.

“Then we talk it over,” Rascal said. “That’s if something negative happens. I, for one, don’t see anything bad happening. We’re all adults. We know what we want.”

“And what’s that?” I asked trying for some clarity.

“You. Simple. What we want is you, on both levels. We want you in our band and in our bed,” Luke said, leaning back in his chair, while still holding onto his long neck beer. “There. Is that clear enough for you, Connie?”

“We’re all crazy about you,” Rascal said. “Even more now than we ever were before.”

“And now that we’ve all had sex with you, there’s no fucking way that we’re going to walk away from you. At least I know I can’t,” Josh said. “I don’t know if it’s the three beers I’ve had or what, but I’m, well, I care about you, Connie. And if you want me to walk away from sex, at this point, I’ll have to walk away from the band as well, because there’s no way in hell I’m going to perform with you, write music with you, live with you on that ranch, and not fuck you. That’s just not going to happen.”

Once again, we fell silent for a moment. Then Luke raised his beer and said, “I’ll second that!”

“And I’ll have to third that, Connie,” Rascal said. “I don’t think any of us knows exactly how this foursome is going to work, but for now, all we know is it’s an all-in proposition. And when I say all-in, I mean all-in. From the bedroom to the stage. Anyway, wasn’t that our agreement?”

“Um, I didn’t… I mean… I just thought…” I began, trying to iron out my thoughts. This was getting intense, and intense wasn’t where I’d wanted to go.

“Stop thinking,” Luke said, getting up from the table and walking over to me. He reached out for my hand, a broad smile on his face. “It’s time we found out how this might work.”

“Here? Now? But…” I was stammering all over the place. Part of me was scared, while the other part of me couldn’t wait another minute for this party to start.

Rascal came over then. “The thing is, even though you don’t have an actual kids’ bed, it feels like a kids’ bed. I have no idea how all three of us will ever fit.”

“It’s a really small bed. Maybe we should wait until we get to the ranch,” I offered, trying to sound reasonable.

“We don’t want to wait that long. We’ll take turns while the other two watch,” Josh said, as if that was a forgone conclusion. He reached down and picked me up then.

“You’ll watch?” I asked, feeling my entire body blush.

“Not me. At least not first,” he said. “They can watch us. How’s that?”

“I don’t know if I can…” I swallowed hard, while I stared into his baby blues, and he walked towards my bedroom.

“If you can what?” Josh asked as we stood in my bedroom doorway.

“If I can do this. Now. With all three of you taking turns, and, um, watching,” I told him as my pulse raced, and my pussy tingled with the excitement of the moment.

Yeah, I was scared, but I was also hotter than I’d ever been before. Was this how Lexi felt the first time? Or Shea? Or even Emma the bartender at Last Call. Or any of the other women in this town who were in a plural relationship?

As he placed me down on the bed, and Luke and Rascal came into the bedroom, stripped down to the boxers, I now wished I’d asked Shea more questions or Lexi or Malinda… especially Malinda. She was part of my knitting group. Why the hell…

But then Josh pulled off his shirt and helped me out of mine, unsnapping my bra at the same time. When his hand cupped one of my breasts, and his mouth came down on mine, I realized I didn’t have to talk to anyone. I knew exactly how this would work.

One inch at a time.

OKAY, SO MY bed was a bit on the small side, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t still have fun, which we did by slowly getting used to this new group endeavor, but when Rascal slid off the bed while we were attempting something we shouldn’t have been, that kind of put a damper on our…endeavor.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, crawling over to the side of the bed, then leaning over as my long hair covered most of my face.

As soon as he fell, everything stopped. It was so stunning, the bed shook from the force of his big body hitting the floor. When he swore, we all instinctively knew something bad had happened to him.

“That was close,” he roared, staring at me as his big body was now wedged between my dresser and the bed. There’d never been much room on that side, barely enough for me to open a drawer, and even then I could only open it less than halfway. Now, as I stared over at him, with his legs leaning up on the side of the bed, his ass on the floor, and his back resting against the dresser, I knew he might have a problem getting up. “If my dick had been inside… anyway, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this here. I’m rethinking this… we might need to wait until we’re on the ranch.”

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