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My dirty thoughts went right to my dick.

Naturally, if I’d been serious about not wanting to think of her naked body, I’d have taken the rocker… but I didn’t.

“One too many margaritas,” I told her with a smile. “Sure is a beautiful night out here.”

I slid down and stretched out my legs, crossing my bare feet at my ankles, trying for the exact same position she had. My legs stretched out a good foot past hers, but it was nice staring down at her bare feet and those silver-painted toes, so tiny and sweet. The lights from the pool that was off to our right, gave off just enough of a glow so we could see each other clearly.

“Too quiet for me. Cricket may be small, but where I live, it’s never this quiet. This would take some getting used to.” She turned to gaze at me for a moment, then turned back to the sparkling sky.

“Does that mean you’re considering keeping the ranch?”

I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but it sure sounded as if she might be considering it.

“I’d be a fool if I didn’t. I mean, look at this place… well… not now. We can hardly see five feet off this porch, but you know what I mean. The house, the land, the pool, the music studio, the great folks who work here. It’s like some sort of fantasy ranch. Still, it’s a big responsibility, and I don’t know if I’m ready for it.”

“We’re here to help with that responsibility,” I told her.

“But for how long?”

She turned to me again. Her scent surrounded me and once again, my body reacted. Everything about her filled me with emotion lust.

“As long as you want us to be.”

“Your track record isn’t too good in stressful circumstances.”

I grinned. “I can say the same thing about you.”

The words tripped out, and I wanted to pull them back in, but none of us would get anywhere if we weren’t completely honest.

“You took a chance saying that. I could get defensive and walk away right now.”

“You’re not the defensive type. Besides, you’re not going anywhere, at least not in that Caddy parked out front.”

She chuckled. “You know me too well.”

“Not well enough, it seems. Let’s see if we can fix that.”

Then, without giving it another thought, I leaned in and kissed her.

Connie 7

“We shouldn’t do this,” I told him, pulling away but focusing on his mouth that had just crushed my lips with an intense heat.

“Do what?” he asked, trying to look innocent, but there was nothing innocent about Josh. He didn’t talk much, but that didn’t mean his head wasn’t swirling with ideas… some of them no doubt very dirty.

“Kiss,” I said, trying to hold a straight face even though I wanted to jump his bones right here, under the stars, on this porch.

“Is there a reason we can’t?”

I partially nodded. “Several.”

“Are they important reasons?”

“They were before you kissed me.”

“And now?”

I kissedhimthis time, a long, hot kiss and as our tongues swirled together, I started to lose all sense of control.

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