Page 53 of Miss Matched

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But Dani didn’t move. Instead, she turned to me and said, “Everything is so beautiful. What’s going on? Why is everyone staring at us?”

She wore my favorite perfume and as it encircled me with its sweet fragrance, I couldn’t help but get caught up in the moment. She was perhaps the most beautiful woman in the entire world.

I looked around for brotherly support, but they’d disappeared.

“They’re just happy to see us together,” I told her, as my throat threatened to permanently shut down. How could I have been so stupid to think I could ask this amazing woman to marry Pizza Boy. What the hell was I thinking?

“Can you do something to get them to stop staring?” she whispered, leaning in closer, making it harder for me to concentrate on anything other than how much I loved her and how happy I was at this exact moment. I didn’t know exactly how she and I got here. I only knew it had been a lot of hard work on our parts, along with some incredible luck. Not only was I on the verge of opening my own restaurant, but she’d finished her thesis and was acing all her classes. We were an unstoppable couple, and this moment was testament to our focus and resolve.

She looked so damn beautiful it hurt. I’d never seen this dress before. It wrapped her body perfectly in red lace… and she knew how much I loved seeing her in red lace.

“I’m sorry they’re staring. My family thought I would do something, but I changed my mind. It’s not the place nor the time.”

Her lips stretched into one of her more perfect smiles, and I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her, but damn if our every move wasn’t being scrutinized.

“Are you sure? Being wrapped in the love of family, no matter how much they make us crazy, might be the exact time to take a chance.”

Did she somehow know what I was planning to ask? Did Sarah tell her? Did Sarah even know? My mind was on overload.

I dropped into the warmth of her eyes and felt my resolve to propose surging through me once again.

Then, as if someone knew how awkward this was for me, the music started up in the restaurant. Andrea Bocelli’s voice echoed all around me. He sang,When I Fall In Love,a duet with Helene Fisher, that was one of my favorites. I didn’t know who was responsible for playing this song, but that person’s timing was spot on.

My heart broke wide open as we became more lost in the moment, more lost in each other, and everything else dropped away. I couldn’t help but take her in my arms and twirl her into a slow dance. A little of that inner Jonathan poked at the edges of my thoughts, making me brave, making me the man I wanted to be.

“I’m crazy in love with you, Dani. Always have been. From those first moments when you ordered your first breakup pizza.”

It was the first time I’d told her that I loved her when we weren’t playing around or in the throes of hot sex. I wanted her to know the truth… it was important that she knew exactly how I felt, no matter the cost.

Her grin widened, and I pulled her in closer, hoping this was a good sign. She ran her hand down the back of my head, a little habit she had whenever I took her in my arms.

I loved it.

“I’m crazy in love with you, too, Gianni Capra,” she whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my body, as her lips touched my skin. “Have been for a long time. I tried my best to hold back, but I can’t, and I don’t want to anymore. I love you with all my heart.”

We kissed then, and everyone whistled and cheered. When our lips separated, I knew this was the moment. This was the time, and if I didn’t take it, didn’t grab hold with everything I had, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.

I let go of her, knelt on one knee in front of my entire family, and while Andrea sang about giving his heart, I pulled out the red-velvet ring box and snapped it open. I’d bought her a pink, square-cut diamond that I’d seen her admire in a window while we were in Harrisburg, coming out of my interior designer’s studio.

She pulled in a breath, covered her cheeks with her hands, and grinned wider than I’d ever seen before.

“I love you Dani Shannon Brennicki Green. Will you marry me? Will you be my wife in this amazing journey we’re on? I love you so much.”

I waited, holding my breath, holding the open ring box, thinking I might pass out. I knew everyone else in the room held their breath as well. Would we all pass out together?

The thought gave me a momentary inner chuckle, and I was able to take another breath while I waited.

She finally said, “I love you, Gianni Jonathan Torrez Capra, andyes.A great big magnificent yes, I will marry you! I will be your wife.”

“Dio Mio, é destino!”my mother yelled, breaking the silence in the room. Everyone cheered, whistled, and applauded as I stood, took Dani in my arms, and kissed the woman I loved with all my heart.

Suddenly, mandolin and accordion music bounced around the room as Aunt Bella, Uncle Louie, and his new woman played a lively Italian song.

“You said yes!” I told her once we pulled out of the kiss, and we were once again staring at each other. I had to admit, a huge part of me was surprised, while the other part of me was so thankful, I still couldn’t believe I’d heard her right.

“Did you ever doubt that I would?” she asked, almost giggling with happiness.

“Um yes, big time. That’s why I hesitated going through with it.”

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