Page 44 of Miss Matched

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I leaned back in my chair. I wasn’t expecting that answer. I expected more apprehension and debate. I especially wasn’t expecting that he’d rented an entire building with his own apartment above the restaurant.

“What? You did it. So, this is real?” I was excited for him and wanted to kiss him, but I kept my butt glued to the chair.

“Damn straight, and it’s about time. I gave the realtor the deposit this afternoon and signed all the paperwork,” he said, grinning like a kid with a new bike. He had the best smile. His entire face lit up, and his eyes even twinkled. Nothing fake about the way Gianni felt. The man wore his heart right out in the open. A nice change from all the other guys I’d dated.

I picked up my glass. “This calls for a toast. To Gianni Capra, may your restaurant be as amazing as you are, and may you succeed beyond all your dreams!”

We clinked glasses, and I drank half the glass. The bubbly wine went down way too easy.

“Thanks,” he said, after he took a couple sips then refilled my glass. “So, how amazing am I?”

I could tell he was purposely trying to put me on the spot.

“Excuse me?”

“You said you hoped the restaurant was as amazing as I am… What does that mean, exactly?”

Those words caused my stomach to flutter. Fortunately, I was saved by our waiter.

“Have you decided?”

“We haven’t… why don’t you bring us two small caesar salads with extra anchovies to start, along with the appetizers. We hadn’t decided on anything else yet,” Gianni told him, obviously trying to get back to our conversation.

“Sure thing,” he said and left us with that awkward silence while I scrambled to answer his question.

“I’m um… I’m simply excited for you and your new adventure.”

“Thanks,” he offered, then he grabbed a chunk of bread out of the basket, poured olive oil and balsamic on his plate, dipped his bread in it, and took a bite. “But you’re avoiding the question.”

“Fine. Put me on the spot, why don’t you?” I began, trying my best to hold back my true feelings. “I think anything you cook is fabulous. Plus, I think you’re smart and a hard worker. Your restaurant is going to be incredible.”

He finished his bread, drank some water, gazed over at me, and said, “Thanks. It’s a shame you won’t be here for the grand opening.”

“When will you be opening?”

“Valentine’s Day. I know you want to leave, but maybe you can still help me with publicity from your hometown?”

I’d totally changed my mind about leaving. Sarah had a lot to do with that. Besides, I couldn’t leave her with the total rent payment. That wouldn’t be fair.

“I thought you said you wouldn’t be opening until August or September?”

“That was before I found the perfect place.”

“That’s only six weeks away. How could I possibly do everything in that amount of time? Plus, I still have my thesis to finish and a couple more classes to complete. I took an accelerated first year with all the main requirements. Finishing my thesis is my most important task for this semester. I’ve already finished a rough first draft, but I still think it’s not quite right.”

“Don’t you have until May or June for all of that?”

“Yes, and helping you get the word out, creating your brand, running all your social media campaigns, working up all the ad copy, and getting the word out locally can benefit me… but six weeks… wow!”

“I have no doubt you can hit this whole marketing game right out of the park. And as for me, if Gordon Ramsey can reopen a dying restaurant in twenty-four hours, I should be able to open mine in six weeks. I’ve had a business plan written up for years, and I’ve always known the details of the restaurant, along with a strong menu. My brother Ted promised to cook with me for the first few months. Just until I can hire someone to take his place. I already have all the recipes I want to offer, and I know one other chef who just graduated from Pennsylvania College of Technology, which is the culinary college in Williamsport. He was one of the top student chefs at Le Jeune Chef Restaurant during his studies. Andre Lucerne, that’s his name, comes into Boston Pizza all the time. He’s wasting away at a small country place in Mifflinburg. My restaurant will be the perfect opportunity for him. We have an appointment next week. I know most of my vendors, the equipment I’ll need, and even what I want my waitstaff to wear. Believe me when I tell you, this can be done in six weeks. I’ve been ready for this new adventure for the last three years, but I’ve been bogged down with family obligations that I put on myself. I also know who my ideal customers will be. That’s where you come in. I’d like to know you’re with me on this.”

I couldn’t say no if I’d wanted to, not with the way his face lit up while he talked about his dream finally coming to life. I knew this man was born to create great food and to have his own place. I knew if from the first time I walked into Boston Pizza, and we chatted. There’s always been that bit of edge to him, as if he didn’t belong in a pizzeria, working with his parents. He belonged in an upscale restaurant, creating his own amazing dishes.

“What made you finally do it?”

“Shannon… no, it’s you, Dani. You’re my inspiration. You’re fearless.”

His answer caught me by surprise. Even though we’d been playing a game, and Shannon wasn’t me, she was still a part of me. A part I never knew existed. Until I met up with Jonathan, I’d never been anyone’s inspiration before.

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