Page 106 of The Wayward Son

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Sawyer laughed. “I guess it’s a little out of character for the Ricky you knew in high school.”

“He was a jerk. And he was kind of dumb.”

“He inherited the bar when his father got sick and had to retire.”

“Oh. Is he okay?”

“I see him around town. He seems to be fine. But he never returned to the bar.”

“So, Ricky might be my new boss? He was kind of mean to me.”

“I’m sure he’s outgrown that by now. Besides, he’ll take one look at you and hire you on the spot.”

She scowled. “I don’t want him to hire me because he thinks I’m hot or whatever. I want him to hire me because I’m a damn good bartender.”

“I’m sure he’ll take that into account. Your hotness is just a perk.”

“You think I’m hot because we’re sleeping together. I’ve never been considered hot by anyone. Not even close.”

“You’re wrong. I thought you were hot the minute you walked into my kitchen without all the wedding crap.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. I’m not lying.”

“Well, thank you.” She glanced at him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

Chapter thirty

"How drunk were you?"

Sawyer and Jade got home just in time for dinner with Jacob, Jake, and Ember. Jacob made a pot roast with potatoes and gravy. And there was a loaf of homemade bread from Genny. She also sent a pie over, but by the time Sawyer filled up on the roast and the bread, he didn’t have room for pie.

He leaned back in his chair. “I’ll come back for pie.”

Ember smiled at him. “You’re not going to unload the trailer tonight, are you?”

“No. But I promised Sage I’d bring Jade to the house and hang out for a while.”

Jacob stood and picked up his plate. “We’ll save you some pie. And we’ll give you the night off of dish duty.”

“Thanks, Granddad.”

They’d given the family a brief rundown of their three days in Missoula, including their adventure in the elevator. Sawyer just left out the part about finishing off a twelve pack of beer and half a bottle of tequila.

They all seemed genuinely concerned and expressed their gratitude for the firemen showing up in the middle of the night.

Sawyer nodded. “I was pretty sure we were stuck there until the manager came in at nine.”

Jade looked at Sawyer. “It’s my fault we got stuck in there. I insisted we take the elevator. He rarely used it.”

“You’re right. It is your fault.”

Ember laughed. “I’d ask what you did to pass the time, but you two never seem to have trouble entertaining each other.”

Sawyer glanced at Jade. “Yeah. We kept ourselves busy. Played a few games. Talked. Stuff like that.”

Jacob took Sawyer and Jade’s plates. “I’m glad you had each other. It wouldn’t have been much fun to be stuck in there by yourself.”

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