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That meant I had one last thing to do. As I reached into my pocket, Faye touched my cheek “There's still one problem: my parents.”

I smiled. “Don't worry. I'm gonna take care of it.” I held up the ring. “But first, I think I need to do this. I need to do it for real this time.”

Her expression went blank. Her body tensed up, going frigid. The chilly air didn't seem to help either. I watched her studying the ring, a very simple silver band with a blue and hazel-brown gem. I had gone to a very special jeweler who made the stone into the combined colors of our eyes.

More tears fell from her eyes. She looked between me, the ring, and me again. Then looked at the ring, plucked it from my fingers, and whispered, “Yes.”

I practically tackled her to the ground. She giggled while trying to put on the ring, trying to fight me off at the same time. It was the most darling kind of sound to hear her giggle like that. To hear such sweetness come out of her when she had just been sobbing. We both stood from the ground and kissed repeatedly. Soft and quick pecs that led to giggles and hugs.

I held her shoulders steady. “Didn’t you say you had something to tell me?”

She paused with her hands on my chest. “When we met, I was a virgin.”

I stared at her. “Is that it?”

She blushed. “I mean…”

“Honey, I don’t even care.” I kissed her forehead. “In fact, you didn’t seem like it.” I grinned mischievously. “We should go do that again. To celebrate.”

“I absolutely want to bang you again into oblivion, but first, I need to make a call to my alphas—I mean, myoldalphas.”

I scooped her up into my arms. “As long as I can carry you back home, do whatever you need.”

Chapter 22 - Faye

The scratchy voice was gone. Thank the Gods and Goddesses that the voice wasgone, and whatever demons had been trying to screw with me were defeated. Mate bites truly were the most powerful magic in the universe. Though much of my fight was internal, I had been able to transfer my power to Hector in that last lunge for victory. He caught my power through the mate bond and exploded with his affection, sending the demons running to the very edges of the universe. That was all last night—and it was hard to believe it was now a new day.

Hector hadn’t stopped touching my stomach since last night. At every turn, he rolled his fingers across my lower belly or rested his hand on my solar plexus. Even now, as we sat down at the kitchen table with two people I hadn't seen in quite a few weeks, his hand remained fixed to my belly.

Blake and Troy looked the same as ever. I felt awkward sitting with them while Hector massaged my tummy. Neither of them seemed bothered by the gesture, so I tried to relax.

But that was hard to do. “I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner.”

Troy nodded. “We’re just relieved you’re alive.”

I exchanged a couple of confused looks with Hector, feeling like maybe the alphas were performing. Blake had to be disappointed, and Troy had to have been worried, too.

Blake shrugged in his bad boy nonchalant way. “Yes, you’re alive. But are you well?”

I laughed. “I’m more than well. I’ve been mated.” I held Hector’s hand. “I know it’s not conventional, but… we’re in love.”

Blake reached for the pile of cookies in front of him. Biscuits were stacked neatly on another plate next to it and jellyrolls right next to that. There were several flaky scones made with raspberries. For me, there was a plate of bacon which I picked at without the same gusto as usual, but I picked at it nonetheless because I was very much hungry.

“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Blake bit his cookie as Troy reached for a biscuit. After chewing, Blake added, “Are you under a spell?”

I shook my head. “No, I fought off the demons.” I squeezed Hector’s hand. “Wefought off the demons. They shouldn’t bother us anymore.”

Troy offered a sympathetic frown. “Can you walk us through that experience again?”

For the third time on the same day, I recounted last night’s battle. A demon had attached to my uncertain feelings about being kidnapped and forced mating ritual, so I became susceptible to its charms. Though there was nothing charming about it, I had been truly lucky not to become fully possessed. The bite mark had thwarted the full possession and gave me the strength to fight back against the hoard.

The afternoon was late once I finished my recollection, and the sun was cascading through the back door, casting strong lines over the table. Some heat from the sun rays added to the chill of West Virginia’s October weather.

Blake reached for my hand. “We’re glad you’re okay. Demons can tap into your power and pervert it.”

I nodded. “That was exactly how I described it when it happened.”

“We’re also grateful that the mate bond protected you,” Troy said. “If you hadn’t been bitten…” He sighed. “Well, we don’t want to think about what might have happened.”

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