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Blake shot Hector a sharp look. “Not exactly thrilled how the bite happened. You kidnapped one of my members.”

Hector bowed his head. “Please, forgive me for taking her. It wasn't my intention to cause any kind of worry or anything like that. The only reason I did it was to save my pack.”

I frowned at him. “You didn't tell me it was a save your pack. You told me it was so people would take you seriously.”

Troy tilted his chin up, pondering quietly. “I can see how it would be to save your pack.”

Blake shook his head. “Anything the alpha does out of selfishness is not something to save the pack.”

Troy pointed his long forefinger at Blake. “Actually, if you truly think about it, the pack needs to respect the alpha to function properly. If the pack doesn't respect the alpha, then the pack falls apart. No one, not even the previous alpha, can keep it together once it crumbles.”

I hummed thoughtfully. “Well, I hadn't thought of it that way.”

“In such positions, a sacrifice must be made,” Troy continued. “So, I understand Hector's motivations. And I offer my forgiveness.”

Hector sighed with relief. He bowed his head again. “And I promise to always be an allegiance with both of you. If we unite our two packs, then we can get a lot done. We might have been opposed in the past, but that is all in the past. It's water under the bridge. I'm not worried about it.”

Blake crossed his arms over his chest, puffing up a little bit. “Adrian hasn't exactly been a fan of our mixed pack. What makes him so keen on it now?”

Hector raised his head and smiled. “Because nowI'mthe alpha, and what I say goes.”

Blake and Hector traded a quiet glance.

Hector cleared his throat and tugged at his shirt collar. “Within reason, obviously.”

Without a word, my previous alphas continued to stare at each other. It was one of their famous silent debates, the two using their ability to duke it out in their brains. Troy was calm as a cucumber with a soft smile and radiance that told me everything was going to be just fine. He delicately reached for a scone and took a couple of bites, nibbling on it happily.

Finally, Blake nodded. “Alright, I can respect that.”

Hector practically deflated. Everything was going better than expected. I understood that feeling, too. I understood the way it felt to be under so much pressure.

Speaking of pressure, I kept looking at my phone in my hands. I hadn't talked to Kylie a lot. I hadn't really talked to Fred either. I felt bad for putting so much space between us, but I just wanted things to be settled here.

Troy set a cup of tea in front of me. “What vexes you, dear Faye?”

I looked at Blake and then looked back at Troy. My gaze fell to the mug of tea between my hands. “I just feel bad that I didn't tell Kylie and Fred that I wanted to stay here. I don't think they would have believed me. Kylie thinks I’m under some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.”

Blake laughed. “Clearly, you're not under any kind of spell. You're a very powerful magician to have fought off a demon with your mind, and given some of your power to your mate to assist that fight. You know that’s incredible, right?”

I blushed. “I wouldn't call myself incredible.” With a grin, I added, “But I would sayamazingis a better word.”

Hector guffawed. “You can literally tear my entire living room apart with a tornado. I think that word should be upgraded toterrifying.”

“Don’t you meanourliving room?” I corrected. I rolled my eyes. “And I suppose you're right about that. So, I guess you better not pick any fights with me.”

Troy chortled while Blake laughed again. Even through the uncertainty, things were actually okay for now.

Blake gestured to the living room, which was now cleaned of any sign of damage. “Kylie and Fred are here. They came with us if you'd like to speak to them.”

I nodded. “I think that's a good idea.”

Before we could exchange any other information, my brother barged into the house. He zipped into the kitchen breathlessly with splotches on his face and his hair in his eyes. He bent over and held himself up on his knees, trying to suck gulps of air into his lungs.

Hector was at his side in an instant. “What's going on?”

Cliff pointed back, wheezing, sputtering, “You got… to come out… and see this.”

The five of us piled out onto the porch and trailed after my jogging brother. Hector took my hand as we followed Cliff. I kept casting confused glances at Blake, Troy, and Hector. Something was up. I could feel it in the air, an apprehensive energy tingling in the air.

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