Page 28 of Lone Star Hostage

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“There’s nothing about that in your background check,” Presley pointed out.

“No, there wouldn’t be because I used a fake ID that my parents provided for my doctor’s appointments.” She paused. “I also used that fake ID when I gave birth.”

Billie felt Presley’s hand tighten in hers. “And after giving birth, you left me in a fire station just outside of San Antonio.”

Victoria’s eyes widened a moment, and it seemed as if she were about to dispute that, but then the objection faded from her expression. “I abandoned you,” she finally said.

She didn’t add more, and the heavy, uncomfortable silence settled between them for a couple of moments. Presley was the one to break it.

“Who’s my bio-father?” he demanded, and this time, there was some anger in tone and body language.

Billie totally got that. Had their situations been reversed, she would have felt the same. And she would have wanted to know what Presley had just asked.

“Your father,” Victoria muttered.

Certainly, the woman must have anticipated the question, but she was taking her time answering. She’d just opened her mouth when there was a shout outside the door.

“I will see my wife now,” the man yelled.Jesep.“And you can’t keep me from her.”

“Step aside,” another man snarled.


The two were likely speaking to the doctor or maybe even Angel.

Panic raced over Victoria’s face, and she frantically shook her head. “Please don’t tell them what we were just talking about,” she managed to blurt before the door flew open.

Dr. Jenkins gave Victoria an apologetic glance before he stepped to the side to reveal not only Jesep and Ari but also Olivia. “I’ll call security and have them removed if you’re not up to seeing them.”

“I’m up to it,” Victoria insisted, and she plastered on what Billie was pretty sure was a fake smile. “Come in,” she added, aiming a glance at Billie and Presley.

That glance seemed to be both a plea for them to keep her secret and a promise that the conversation wasn’t over.

Jesep led his kids into the room, and they all ignored Presley and her as they went to Victoria’s bedside. Jesep didn’t kiss his wife. In fact, he didn’t touch her. None of the three did. They just gathered around her bed, staring down at her.

“Mrs. Wessington experienced severe trauma,” Dr. Jenkins insisted. “You can only stay a couple of minutes. And you two have to leave,” he added to Presley and her.

Presley gave Victoria one last look, and Billie and he stepped out into the hall with the doctor. What he didn’t do was shut the door.

“It’s possible Mrs. Wessington is still in danger,” Presley whispered to the doctor, and he fired off a text while hecontinued to keep an eye on Victoria and the others. “I have a colleague, Angel DeLuca, who’ll be protecting her, and he’ll be here any minute.”

The doctor’s shoulders went stiff. “Is she in danger from her family?” He, too, kept his voice at a whisper.

“Possibly. She’s not to be left alone with any of them, understand?” Presley stated.

Dr. Jenkins’ nod was a little shaky, but there was still plenty of resolve in it. Good. Angel would no doubt be thorough in his bodyguard duties, but it didn’t hurt to have someone else watching out for the woman.

As Presley had said, Angel soon appeared in the hall, and he made a beeline toward them. Presley did the introductions, and they all turned to look at Victoria. She, too, was having a whispered conversation, and judging from Ari’s, Olivia’s, and Jesep’s expressions, they didn’t care much for what she was saying.

“I’ll take care of her,” Angel said like a promise, and he stepped into the room.

Jesep immediately whirled toward Angel, doling out a scowl to him. “Who the hell are you?”

“Your wife’s bodyguard,” Angel calmly replied.

Jesep’s scowl deepened while Ari and Olivia looked on. “Well, you can just leave. I’ll get my own security for my wife.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Angel fired back, and he was doling out his own scowl. His was a lot meaner looking that Jesep’s. “Your wife is under police protection, and I’m a contracted security specialist. You don’t have a say in it. Neither do the two of you,” he added, giving Ari and Olivia a glance.

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