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“That I had a hard-on for you?”

“Jesus.” I did another quick look around to make sure no one was within earshot. “Yeah. Back then we told each othereverything. At least, I thought we did, but you never once hinted at how you felt.”

Travis chewed on the inside of his cheek, an almost-sheepish expression on his face. “Didn’t I? I thought I was pretty obvious—always showing off my new clothes for you and making myself the center of attention whenever you were in a room. I wanted your eyes on me.” He shrugged and rested an elbow on the table. “I still do.”

I tossed my pen down and leaned back in my seat, running my eyes over him. From his jet-back hair to his angular face and full lips, Travis was undeniably sexy. But add in the smoky kohl he’d added to his piercing blue eyes and it was difficult to tear your gaze away from him.

And that’d been half the problem—everyonelooked at Travis. Guys, girls, parents, teachers; he walked in a room and he was the center of attention. So I’d never imagined he was busy vying formyattention.

The fact that he had been did serious things to my insides. Crazy, stupid things I was still coming to grips with.

When I still hadn’t said anything, Travis straightened in his seat.“Say something, would you? You’re making me nervous.”


“Well, no, but I just confessed my teenage sex fantasies about you and you’re all, like, silent.”

Funny, but if I didn’t know better, I might think I reallywasmaking him nervous. But no, this was Travis. If there was one thing he was confident about, it was his sexuality. It’d been that way since he’d lost his virginity, age fourteen.

I gave my most casual shrug then decided to play with him a bit. After all, that was what he’d asked me to do with him in class, right?

“I was just wondering what some of those fantasies were. That’s all.”

Travis’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “That’sall?”He scooted in close again.“Where do you want me to start?”

I chuckled. “You know, if you got this excited about studying, you could really do something with your life.”

He rolled his eyes. “If I got this excited about studying it would be a sure sign I hadnolife. And don’t even try changing the subject.”

“Which was?” I teased, my lips twitching.

“My sex fantasies.” He reached out and drew a finger up the side of my neck, twirling it in the end of my hair. “I had a pretty good one about this place when I found out you were in here.”

“The library?”

“I wondered what it would be like to make out with a scholastic type.” He got to his feet and moved between me and the table, looking down at me with a smirk. “Know anyone here who might want to volunteer?”

My heart hammered as I stared up at him, and I wondered how I’d been so blind to what was in front of me back then. How oblivious I’d been not only to his feelings but my own.

Or maybe I hadn’t been.Travis had confessed to wanting my attention and eyes on him, but hadn’t it been the same for me? We’d been inseparable, and that went both ways. But I’d just chalked it up to friendship and brotherly bonds. What if it had been that, but more?

Because there was nothing brotherly about the way I was feeling right now, with him standing between my legs, looking down at me like he wanted to crawl in my lap.



“You want to make out with me in the library stacks?”

My dick lurched at the question, the idea of his mouth back on mine making it seriously happy.

Then, as if he’d read my mind, Travis moved in between my legs and leaned down to say by my ear, “Or I can climb on your lap and look over your shoulder to tell you if someone’s coming.”

He flicked his tongue over my ear, and I sucked in a breath.

“Including you.”

Oh myGod, he was trying to kill me—and give anyone who happened to look up from their computer a show, which wasn’t a smart idea.

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