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GONNA GRAB lunch with West. Wanna join?

I dropped my bag on the table in the back corner of the library that it looked like I’d be having all to myself today.

Nope. Have fun

Third-wheeling it with the lovebirds wasn’t my favorite thing, though I appreciated that JT always made sure I didn’t feel left out. I had enough work to catch up on, though, so I took a seat at our usual spot and opened up my laptop.

I didn’t know how much time had passed when I felt someone move in behind me, and then a warm pair of lips kissed the back of my neck. Surprise had me stiffening, but I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. Only one person would be that bold.

Travis took the seat beside me, mischief twinkling in his light blue gaze. “Found you.”

“I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have thought you’d know where the library even is.”

Travis looked around, feigning surprise. “That’s what this place is? I figured it was a breeding ground for academic types allergic to socializing.”

“Well, that too.”

“You don’t come here to…read, do you?”

I cracked a smile. “It wouldn’t be a totally foreign concept.”

“Hmm. Sexyandsmart. That’s hot.” He scooted his chair in closer to me and laid one arm along the back of mine. His knees rubbed up along my thigh, and when he dropped his chin on my shoulder, I shifted away. The move felt so familiar, even though it’d been years since we’d been this close. He used to come in my room when I was studying or editing videos and plop down on the bed to distract me.

It usually worked, too.

I tried to focus on the paper on my screen. “Go away, trouble.”

“I’d get into more trouble without you, remember? You’re my good influence.”

“Does that mean you’re here to study?”

“Yes.” His hand found its way onto my thigh and began inching its way up. “I’m here to study your reactions when I touch you.”

I reached down to stop his wandering fingers. “What are you really doing here?”

“You told me to come find you.” He smiled unrepentantly. “Here I am.”

Everything about him made my stomach flip. His words. The way he’d tracked me down. The fact that he didn’t give a shit about touching me in public.

I pushed his hand away, not wanting to attract attention. My body was already responding to his being so close, remembering the way it’d felt to have his lips wrapped around my cock. One sexual encounter and suddenly he was all I could think about. Or maybe it was just that I’d stopped pushing him to the back of my mind like he didn’t exist.

“You know,” he said, undeterred as he dropped the hand he had on the back of my chair to finger the waist of my jeans, “if you want to research anything, my body is available for your eyes only.”

I glanced around the room again, making sure my fellow academic types were keeping their focus on their own business. “Oh yeah? Just my eyes? I can’t explore with anything else?”

He licked his lips while looking at my mouth. “What did you have in mind?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “You haven’t changed one bit, you know that?”

Travis cocked his head to the side. “Changed? Since when? It’s not like it’s been years since you’ve seen me.”

“No, but…” When I trailed off, a curious expression lit his eyes. “It’s been a while since we were like this.” I gestured between the two of us and the easy way we were sitting with one another, but Travis, being Travis, couldn’t let the innocent observation stay that way.

“I don’t think we were ever likethis.” His fingers found the waistband of my jeans again, but this time stroked over the skin just above it. “Trust me, I would’ve remembered. I fantasized about it every fucking day.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

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